Chapter Eight

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Most of this chapter will be in mindlink conversation in bold writing and not underlined.

~Namjoon POV~

Silence was all that was heard until y/n's soft beautiful snores filled the dungeon. We continued to listen to her snores as it's been the last life time we have last heard them. It's been 56 years for me since my last life with y/n. Her snoring is like sweet music to my ears and I'm sure the others will agree, even if Yoongi denies it.

I stood by my cell door watching Jin and taehyung watching her as she slept. It's the most I could do since I couldn't see her myself. If only I had jins power to see through things.

When I seen her at the table, I was shocked at how beautiful she is. After spending so much time apart to kind of start to forget what people look like, even though soojin and minho had pictures of y/n as she was growing up. I didn't look too much at the pictures. I wanted to see her in person. Even though I had not seen her in person for over 56 years, I've grown up in my new life knowing my heart belongs to y/n. I've remembered all my past lives with the others and with y/n. It's just sad that she can't remember them.

In a way it's a good thing because she won't remember the heart break and pain each life has always been given to us. I just hope this life is different this time.,,..

"Joon, she's just as beautiful as we remember" Jin cut through my though thoughts. I look at jins expression as his eyes are filled with admiration. I smile at him " I know she is. She never changes" jins eyes never leave y/n figure and to be honest it makes me a little jealous. "Of course she never changes, it's the stupid damn curse that's for us doing this over and over again. If I could of..," Yoongi was cut off by jimin "don't you dare say it was your fault again Yoongi. You know yourself it wasn't, so stop it" before I could even say anything else Hoseok joined in the conversation. "Jimin right Yoongi, you say this every life time. We've all made mistakes in each of them. But what your talking about wasn't even anything you could of helped." I hear a slight sniffle come from Yoongi cell from across mine.

He acts all tough but really in the inside he's a big softy.

Y/n use to call him Yoongi bear or sometimes suga, because with her and sometimes the others he is a big softy and he is sweet as sugar. He only aloud y/n to call him those names but sometimes we can get away with it but only with the suga name if anyone dares to call him Yoongi bear, he'll have a meltdown and your best to run for your life.

I almost laugh out loud at the memory "Namjoon stop thinking about y/n calling me you know what. Only she gets to call me that so don't even bring it up before the others start something."

This time I did burst out laughing I couldn't hold it in any longer. Yoongi stepped closer to the metal bars and gripped each bars, giving me a deadly glare, flashing his grey eyes at me. I hold up my hand in surrender "hey I didn't say anything."

"Hey Namjoon! Maybe we should leave Yoongi bear alone to have his evening nap, you know who grumpy he gets!" Jungkook joined in. I actually forgot that when I think of things, the others can hear it too. Unless I purposely put up a wall to stop them from knowing what I'm thinking but this time I didn't do that.

"HEY JUNGCOCK!!! KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT UNLESS YOU WANT TO SEE YOUR NEXT LIFE EARLY!!!" Yoongi burst out loud shouting. His voice bouncing off the walls in the dungeon. Yoongi pushed himself as far as he could against the bars, most likely to try and get a look at Jungkook to show off his bright grey eyes in fury.

Yoongi get angry but he wouldn't actually kill Jungkook, the anger gets the better of him sometimes. It got worse after the first life, she still blames himself. No one does, not even the moon goddess that has visited us in our dreams.

Jin let out a harsh shh " your going to wake y/n up if you don't shut up. Speak through the link" Jin still not taking his eyes off y/n. I'm guessing she must of moved a little in her sleep dues to Yoongis bellowing.

I noticed Yoongi slump his shoulder and his eyes flashing back to their dark brown orbs. He must of finally taken in y/n appearance since he had last seen her at the table.

His eyes soften and he lets go of the bars, dropping his arms by his side "we have to get her out of here" his eyes met mine. I nodded at him "what are we going to do Namjoon?" Taehyung finally spoke.

I thought for a moment thinking of a plan to get all 8 of us out safely.

"Well they stupidly put us back in our cells without Shiwoos blood ropes. I can feel myself getting back to normal..." a scoff escapes yoongis lips. "What idiots either way the ropes only work for a certain amount of time. We can easily break out..... it's only y/n I worry about" Yoongi pulls his attention back to y/n sleeping figure. " we all worried about y/n.... to keep her safe and to get out of here. We must make up a plan and I've got one" Jin and Yoongi both pull their eyes away from y/n and onto me and I know the other are listening intensively.

"First we must draw attention into the dungeon to get as many hunters down here as we can. We all know Gunwoo is not in the building as I can no longer sense him and plus he did say he had an important matter to attend to.." Jin and Yoongi nod. "So as all of us know we can break down these bars at any time now that we don't have those ropes." Jungkook butted in "yes so we can kill these mother fuckers and get y/n out of here" he growls through the link. "Yes Jungkook. We kill them. We break out these bars in anyway we want. I'll place a shield in front of y/ns cell so no one can enter until all the hunters are dead." They all agreed, even Jin and he's not really one for violence. "But I know there's also hunters on each floor of this building. As far as I can sense there's a total of three floors, including this one. Once we break out the cells we need to secure the building of hunters and area surrounding the out side of the building. That means one or at least two of us needs to stay with y/n until the coast is clear."

Not even a second later both taehyung and Hoseok volunteers to stay with y/n and I agree with them.

"How are we going to gain the hunters attention?" Jimin had asked.

I had to think for a moment. What kind of excuse could we use?

A light bulb popped in my mind.

"Well I'm sure Yoongi and Jungkook are quite capable of causing a scene in their cells. I mean anything from an angry fit to being a nuisance. I'm sure you could make it that bad that they'll have to come down here to attempt to stop you. But of course once they do that's when we'll break open our cells and get the hell out of here." I glance at Yoongi and I knew instantly by his evil smirk that he agrees with the plan. Jungkook let's out a smug laugh, that's a yes.

The others all chime in agreeing with the plan. Now it's just to set the plan in motion.

We wait a couple minutes in silent waiting for the perfect time to start. They're all waiting for my signal.

I nod at Yoongi to begin and give Jungkook a message through the link and warn the others to be prepared.

Jimin blows out the candles that are used in the hallway to light up the dungeon and I place up a shield in front of y/n cell door.

Yoongi starts growling and thrashing.

Jungkook starts yelling insults at the hunters by name and shaking the bars giving out threats. I'm guessing both of them want a little fun with the hunters since they could just break down the bars, but I leave them to it.

A loud grumbling and crashing sound comes from Yoongi cell. Not too long after the banging of feet stomping along the hard floor up stairs comes rushing closer to the dungeon doors. I smirk.... let the games begin.

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