Chapter Forty - One

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So far it's been two months of no drama. It's been peaceful and just doing day to day things with my friends and family and not to mention all my mates that are still with me and safe. I don't have to worry about the worse happening to them and all we think about is this little boy I'm carrying, he's a little kicker alright especially when he hears all of his dads he's going to grow up with.

I've got less than two months left now and I feel like I couldn't get any bigger than I already am. I'm huge which doesn't feel like myself at all but my mates tell me I'm beautiful every day. Everything is ready for this guys arrival, it's just a waiting game now, he has everything he needs, including the love that I'm still praying he'll receive from all of us.

I've actually been wanting to speak with Minji about all this and her mate, Woojin and of course Hayoon to all meet me in the baby's room. I wanted to make something clear with all of them. Of course my mates know what I'm going to say to the three best friends of mine and they agree completely to what I'm going to discuss. They also thought it would be a better idea if it was just me that spoke to them, but also because they had a meeting again with my dad, Minho and the alpha.

I sit in the comfy white one seated sofa that's located to the corner of the room next to the open window. I hum a tune that Jungkook and I always sang and stared out the window with hand on bump waiting patiently for my friends to arrive.

"Babe!" Hayoon

I turn away from the window to now face the very sam three people I've been waiting for. I smiled up at them, I was away to stand but minji held her hand out to stop me.

"No, no. You stay right there." Minji

She planted her butt on the floor and crossed her legs over sitting like a child at school waiting for instructions. Hayoon copier and woojin swooped next to Minji of course with his arm wrapped around her waist.

I smile down at the three waiting eyes.

"What do you want to talk about?" Minji

I internally sigh because now it's going to be serious and judging by the all smiles on everyone's faces their in good moods.

"Yeah why in here?" Hayoon

"I asked for this conversation to be in here because I'd like to talk with all of you about something. About the baby."

"Is there something wrong?!" Minji

I shake my head and chuckle. She jumps to conclusions way too fast.

"No everything's fine. It's more like I'm going to ask something of you. All of you."

I look around the room at all their faces, just as clueless as ever. But I don't expect them to know what I'm going to ask. Is it up a little more on the sofa and lick my lips. I don't know why I'm so nervous to ask them this but I could hear Jin and Namjoon in my mind reassuring me it'll all be okay. I know it will be but to ask my friends something like this is a big deal.

"What I want to ask is...."

I pause taking deep breathes.

"You can ask us anything y/n." Woojin

His smile was soft and his cheeks puffed up like a little squirrel. It made him cute, a cute little squirrel.

Hey! Woojin is not a cute squirrel! Jungkook

I mentally roll my eyes but smile not only at woojin but it's pretty funny how Jungkook decided to scream into the link. Judging by the faces of my three friends they're clearly non the wiser of the outburst.

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