Chapter Thirty - Seven

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A bright light shines onto my face causing me to squeeze me eyes tighter together. It can't be morning already, I barely slept.


Tae whispered in my ear. I stirred a little trying to ignore him to sleep longer.


He whispered again but this time lightly shaking me by the shoulder. I swatted his hand away groaning at him.

"Princess wake up!"

It was jin with his wake up call voice. It was soft yet commanding. Of course I listened to him and opened my eyes. I know what he's capable of when you don't listen.

I had to blink a couple times to adjust to the light surrounding me. It was too bright for the medical room I fell asleep in. Tae helped me to sit up while I wiped my eyes. I don't know if I'm seeing things or what but it looks like the last place we all had our joined dream.

"How did we get here? We are having a group dream aren't we?"

Jimin and Hobi laughed at me.

"Your so cute y/n!" Jimin

"Yes we're having another joined dream. We're all here. Well except for Yoongi and Jungkook." Namjoon

He was disappointed as was I. You would think if this is a group dream they would be here too and the moon goddess too. She's always been here for when I wake up but now it's just five of the boys.

"Isn't the moon goddess/mother suppose to be here too?"

Namjoon offered me his hand and helped me stand to my feet among the purple flowers.

"She usually is here when we wake up." Hobi

He scratched his head scanning the area. Jin and Jimin looking around clueless too. All there was, was the light coloured trees with dark green leaves and light coloured grey rocks and purple flowered that surrounded us, not a single other person in sight.

"Same here."

I'm not sure what's going on but it's weird.

Someone started humming a melody softly, I was sure it was one of the boys with me but they all had their game faces on, unsure about what was going on it didn't look like they were in the mood to hum but the humming only got louder and I'm a hundred percent positive I've heard it before.

"Who's humming?"

"What are you talking about, nobody's humming." Jin

"Yes they are. If it's you Jin and you're joking with me right now I will not be happy."

"No it's not me." Jin

"Not me either." hobi

"Or me." jimin

Who is it then? I looked at Tae and he just shrugged and opened his mouth when I watched his throat to see if it would move as the humming continued. It wasn't him.

"Where are you hearing this humming Y/n. I don't hear anything." Namjoon

He took my hand again, gazing down at me with soft eyes. I know it's not him he can't hum and talk at the same time.

"I can hear it and I've heard it before. I mean, it has to be one of you."

The humming turned into actual singing. It's a males singing voice anyway, so beautiful like an angels voice, angelic. I can only barely make out the words but not enough to figure out what they're saying.

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