Chapter Thirty

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~Gunwoo POV~

My frustration grows as the days have gone by. I've gotten no where with taken those dirty wolves captive. They refuse to speak about anything, no matter what we've done to them they still say nothing. First I took them because they worked on behalf of the moon goddess and MY god, Shiwoo would be best pleased that I have worked well for his arrival. To give him those special to his sister, so he can do what he pleases with them. Now that y/n and the wolf soldiers are missing I need the two bitches that I have for information. All I can do at this point is try and find another way to find out where the special eight everyone calls them are hiding.

Flipping through pages of my big black book, the book Shiwoo had created when hunters were created, it's to guide us on all he knew about the eight. I hope while I read it I gain some knowledge about them to give me clues on their where abouts.


I look up from the book to find one of my men Leo, barging into my office.

"Leo! What have I told you about barging into my office like that! Knock, for fuck sake!"

I turn back to the book taking a sip of my coffee.

"Sir?" Leo

I only hummed as I was still drinking my coffee, not taking my eyes away from the book.

"The wolves have escaped." Leo

I spit out my coffee and slammed my book shut, immediately standing up afterwards.

"How the fuck have they escaped just like that?! Who ever was in charge of security there bring me their heads."

I storm out the office and down the hallway but what Leo said next made me stop in my tracks.

"That won't be necessary, sir." Leo

Spinning slowly on my heel to face Leo that was now behind me.

"How so?"

"They're already dead. Their mates killed everyone at base." Leo

Oh really?

"Show me the security footage, now!"

He nods and runs a head of me to the security room that I was heading to in the first place. I want to see this for myself, how can two ordinary wolves just charge up to headquarters and kill everyone inside.

"Everyone else out! Now!"

I ordered the four other men that were in the room sitting in front of security screens for different locations. We've got four hideouts, I'm currently in the living base, where all the families of hunters reside. The four men immediately listen to my order and run out the room, they know better than to disobey.

Leo turned on the screen for base 3 the main headquarters where we hold all business arrangements in the outside world.

"When did this happen?"

"Last night sir." Leo

"Shit and I was only just informed!"

I brush my thick black hair back and take out a cigarette from my pocket and lit it up taking in deep puffs of the smoke, it calming in times like this.

"I cane to tell you the news as soon as I found out sir." Leo

"Who told you this news?"

I took in another deep puff of the cigarette between my fingers.

"It was suho, sir. He went to base 3 this morning to check on update of the wolves. But returned back with news. He left again after that sir." Leo

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