Chapter Thirty - Nine

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As soon as Minji told me that Jin came back with Yoongi and Jungkook I didn't waste any time running through the house to the downstairs medical room. I needed to see them. I last seen them in the group dream last week but that wasn't the same, this time it will be in person and I couldn't wait to see them with my own two eyes, safe and sound at home with me.

I barged through the door. Jin was the first person I saw so I ran to him and pulled him into a hug. He tensed at first by the surprise but I was happy to see him too. I'm glad he didn't get hurt and I'll make sure I greet everyone of the four other mates with a huge hug to show them how happy I will be when they come back safe and sound. I need them all together.

"I'm so glad you're okay."

He chuckles and stroke the back of my head.

"I told you I would be." Jin

We pulled away from each other but not our eyes, we kept the eye contact. He leaned in to kiss my lips with his soft plump lips I love so much. We stayed like that for a moment with our lips touching until he pulled away first and then tucking some of my hair behind my ear.

"They're just behind the curtains. Jungkook is still passed out but Yoongi is still awake. He's been waiting to see you first before getting some rest, so I'll leave you two it." Jin

"WAIT! Jungkook he's alright isn't he? Since he's passed out."

He presses his lips together and forces a smile nodding.

"Yes, he's fine princess. He just needs rest, that's all." Jin

He pecks a kiss on the top of my head and then walks towards the door.

"I'll be outside if you need anything." Jin

Just like that he walks out the door and quietly shuts it behind him. Now I turn my attention to the curtain that I know Yoongi is behind. I can feel that it is his bed behind that curtain. Taking in a deep breathe in and out before I open up the curtain to reveal Yoongi.

When I saw him in the state he was in, I felt broken at his condition. He looked horrible, was Jungkook like this too?

He had dried blood dripping down his forehead and nose. His right cheek with cut and swollen and had a massive bandage covering half his neck on the left side. I don't even want to know what's underneath that bandage. My vision was became clouded with tears, this is because of me and now my son was involved too.

"hey, you don't need to cry, Jungkook and I are strong, we'll live. Now come here, I've missed your cuddles." Yoongi

He opens his arms to me, making grabby hands, it made me laugh just a little. He's not an affectionate type but I guess when it comes to me and sometimes the boys he's soft. I do as he says and walk over to the bed and sit on the edge as he moves to the side to allow me to lie down next to him. He wraps his arms around me and that's when I notice he's wearing a white cast around his wrist.

"Does that hurt?"

I point at his cast that now rests on my side, as his hand his rested on my hip.

"It did but not anymore." Yoongi

"What did they do to you and Jungkook?"

He sighs and I could feel him rest his head on top of mine as I snuggle up into him like I did with tae last week.

"You don't want to know Y/n. I'd rather not talk about it. It'll only upset you more and you don't need anymore stress than you already have." Yoongi

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