Chapter Four

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I flutter my eyes open to the bright light above me

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I flutter my eyes open to the bright light above me. I'm fretted to the sight of the clear blue sky and green trees surrounding. My obvious guess is that I'm in the forest but I'm not in my local forest that surrounds the pack I live in. I know those trees anywhere and they're not the trees around me. The trees back home are covered in dark green leaves, with thick brown stump. They maybe darker in colour but it's warming.

I blink a few time to adjust my eyes to the light before sitting myself up to check the environment around me.

I blink a few time to adjust my eyes to the light before sitting myself up to check the environment around me

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I do have to say it almost took my breath away at the beautiful sight before me. The flowers had such a strong flower aroma circling my nose. I could breath them in all day.

I stood on my spot and brushed off my clothes.
Where am I?

This place is new, I've never been here before even if the scene of it is amazing and relaxing to look at.

I take my first step forward, but as I do I see a woman in the distance, walking my way. I froze in my steps. This woman was gorgeous, she had long black hair reaching all the way down her back, a white long flowing dress that moved perfectly with every movement she made through the bushes and flowers. She's was literally glowing. I mean I've never seen anyone that glows.

She approaches closer and I take in a good look at her facial features and she looks oddly like myself, as if we're relatives. There's no many similarities between a us it creepy but I've never seen this woman before in my life.

Before the woman can get any closer, I place a hand out in front of me and shout at her "stop right there!! Who are you?" She looks at me quite alarmed at first before replacing it with a kind smile and placing her hand up in surrender while stopping in her place. "It's okay y/n, don't be alarmed. I'm just here to talk to you" she tried to reassure me and it worked, something about her aura is calm and comforting, no threats. Everything inside myself told me I could trust her.

There's a pull I have towards her, so my next move I can't help. I run to her and throw myself into her embrace and she quickly responds. It feels natural and soothing.

What's wrong with me? Why do I keep hugging strangers?

First soojin after only knowing her for a few hours and now this woman that I don't even know.

The glowing woman laughs at my actions and strokes the back of head and humming a tune that sounds so familiar but yet strange at the same time. I've heard it in a dream I had before but I can't remember the words.

I start to feel tears streaming down my cheeks "what's wrong with me? Who are you? Why do I feel like you've been missing from my life?" The woman chuckled and gently pulls me away to look at my face "deep down you do know who I am and you will remember one day, but not today" she looks me in the eyes and wipes my tears. I sniffle a little and wipe my nose with the back of my hand "I don't understand" I whispered to her, looking up into her big blue eyes. She smiled even wider at me "I know my dear but you will one day" she reached out and placed her hand on the side of my cheek. I leaned into her touch before she pulled away. Her expression turned from soft to stern in seconds "now y/n as much as it is to see you again I have to take this moment to have a serious chat with you." I furrowed my eyes brows at her but nodded for her to continue "sweetie from this moment on you life will change, do you remember the conversation you had with soojin about having possibly having more than one mate?" She rest her hands on each side of my arms. I titled my head to the side in confusion "how did you know I had that talk with soojin?" She chuckles and let's go of my arms "y/n I've been watching you all your life if not longer than that. But that chat is for another time right now I just want to tell you everything you know in life is going to change but you won't be alone. You will go on this journey with the men I have destined for you to be with until death." I scratch my head and take another step back from her "hold on your telling me that I've got multiple mates even though I'm human" she smiled at me taking at step closer to me again "oh y/n yes you do have more than one mate but I'm not going to reveal to you how many or who they might be. You'll have to figure that out on your own. Also yes you may be human but they are not so I have personally assigned them to be your mates. I truly believe it will all work out this time" her smile widens even more. This is all confusing what the hell is she talking about. I've got more than one mate but she can't tell me anymore than that and my life is going to change but they'll be with me. I took a breath "when do I meet them?" She laughed at me as if I had just told her a joke. She shook her head as she calmed herself down "you never change. Your always so impatient when you excited about something" I cross my arms over my chest and look at her in disbelief "how can you tell?" She took another step towards me and place a hand on my shoulder "I know you very well y/n, actually better than you know yourself and I won't be the only out there that think the same thing" she let's go of my shoulder and proceed to stand next to me. My eyes never leave hers as I stare into her deep ocean blue eyes.

Her eyes sadden for a moment then wraps her arms around my shoulder, turning me to the place I had woken up in. "Well now y/n, you'll have to wake up soon, it's almost time" I widen my eyes and gasp "this was a dream?" She nods and starts to gently push me down to lie down on the forest floor "yes y/n it's the only way I could speak to you. I only have limited time but I hope to talk to you again soon." I stare up to her sadden face as she tries to put on a smile but I could tell it's fake. I open my mouth to say something but before I do she speaks first "promise me y/n that you'll stay safe and out of harm. I know you'll be in danger when you wake up but all I ask is you trust your instincts. Whatever your soul and body tell you, just go with it. Even if you don't understand it yourself. And please, please trust you mates and listen to them when you meet them."

She says all this with such desperation. "I'll try and be careful about whatever it is that will happen. But how will I know they're my mates?" She slightly smiled at me while looking down at me "you'll know when you meet them. Your body and soul will be yelling out to them, just trust me you'll know." I nodded at her, accepting her answer. There's not really anything I could say to that.

She rubs my shoulder soothingly and lightly smiles down at me "it's time for you to wake up now y/n. I look forward to talking to you again, my little star" I raise my head a little as she places her pointer finger and middle finger on my birthmark on my collarbone and she pushes in pressure. I stare up to her glowing face as I slip back into darkness.

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