Chapter Forty-Six

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(In Y/n's dreamland.)

I flutter my eyes open, to now look up to the bright blue sky above and the familiar smell of flowers brush past my nose. Why am I here again?

Of all times to come to this place, why now?

"Little star."

I sat up to turn around to the voice of the very same woman that helped start all this, the same woman responsible for myself and my mates to keep returning back to this life.

"I know you're angry but you have to listen to me." Goddess

I scoff at her and stand up on my bare feet.

"Listen? You want me to listen?! My mates are dying and you bring me here?!"

She quivers her lip and looks down to my feet.

"I actually didn't bring you here. It was you that brought me here. You need me." Goddess

"Of course I need you! You can stop all this like last time!"

She shakes her head, with her long black hair shaking side to side with her.

"That's where you're wrong. I can't help, I'm almost powerless and even if I did do what I did last time he has a greater chance of just coming back." Goddess

I look away from her to scowl back at the bushes at the side of us. I can't believe this is happening. My rage now subsiding into sadness and despair.

"What am I suppose to do?"

My lip quivers and a tear falls down my cheek. This is my birth mother after all, I cant hide my devastation from her. She only hold out her arms to me and coming closer until she can finally wrap me up in her arms. Usually I would feel safe but it only makes me fall apart and being in this place does not help.

"They've all died and I'm helpless to save them. If I can't save them then how am I suppose to protect my son."

I whimpered into my mother goddess arms as she rubs circles into my back.

"Oh my little star. You still have two mates left, don't you?" Goddess

It sounded like a fact rather than a question, but she's right I still have Yoongi and Jimin left but for how long?

"I do but how do I help them?"

She pulls away to only tug me back down to the floor to sit among the flowers. She smiles at me and wipes my cheek with her finger.

"Use your power." Goddess

"What power? How?"

She takes a hold of my hands and puts both pair of hands onto her lap, covered by her white gown.

"You're rage seems to do the trick." Goddess


She giggled at my confusion.

"Have you not noticed your changes Y/n. When you get angry, the boys become very submissive or their eyes would change but only happens when you shout at them." Goddess

"Yeah that's happened a few times but what has that to do with anything?"

"Oh dear. That's your power coming through. Ever since you mated with your mates it unlocked the power you had within yourself, the same power I hold that you had received from me."

"Okay? So I could use this against Shiwoo then?"

I was uncertain about what she was telling me but she nods.

"Yes. Just gather all you're anger towards that one thing and use it. You'd be surprised at what you can do." Goddess

But then I randomly remembered something when I looked ahead at the same bolder of stone I had once sat on with the goddess before finding out everything about her and my mates.

"What about that special weapon you said you had created? Can't we use that?"

She laughs and shakes her head at me.

"No my child there was never any weapon. I just made that up. You are the weapon." Goddess

"How am I the weapon? I won't be as strong as you."

"You are JUST as strong as me, if not stronger. You have you're mates strength to guide you through al this." Goddess

"But they're dead!"

How could she say such a thing? How can she tell me this now knowing full well five of them are gone.

"I know that but may I remind you, you have my blood running through your veins. You can do just about ANY thing I can do, just have faith in yourself. Use your wrath, anger and all your emotions into one and you'll get want you want." Goddess

"So I take down Shiwoo myself?"

"Yes you silly. You can do it. I know you can, heck even my own brother knows you can that's one reason to list to why he hates you. We're stronger than he can ever be." Goddess

I felt a strike to the chest and place my hand over it.

"I think I need to go back. Somethings wrong."

She nods and smiles yet again.

"I know you do. Just remember you are my daughter and to focus on everything around you. You are what Shiwoo is scared of the most." Goddess

I take her words as advice and try to keep it in mind while I lie back down on the forest flowers with the purple flowers surrounding me.

"One more thing Y/n." Goddess

I nod at her and watch her carefully run her fingers through my hair, looking down at me.

"You are one." Goddess

Then before I could say anything back she slips away into the wind and I'm surrounded by darkness.

What was that suppose to mean?

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