Chapter forty-eight

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~Author POV~

Y/n certainly didn't waste anytime in running to her Hobi. He welcomed her with opened arms just as happy and ecstatic to see her as she did him. He knew he had passed on to the next world and would have to admit he was a little disappointed in himself for dying by the hands of Shiwoo but all of that waved over him when he got the second chance to wake up and find his mate.

Bot in each others arms they didn't understand how he was back but he didn't come alone.

Shiwoo's scream in pain caught both of their attention to now both turn to face behind them, Y/n refusing to let go in case she thought this was all a dream and hallucinating but it was very much real.

Both greeted to the sight of Shiwoo on his knees with his arms pulled behind his back by a half naked Namjoon with only a t-shirt to cover his lower half and not having a care in the world about his nakedness. A shirtless Jin and Taehyung were taking turns unleashing their new found strength upon Shiwoo's face. He was the brother of the moon goddess herself so of course he needed more than ordinary hits.

Y/n was more than happy to find another three mates alive and well in front of her. In the mix of the hits to Shiwoo Tae winked at her and Jin blew a kiss while Namjoon quickly smiled. They too also know what had happened to them and would love to cuddle Y/n right now but dealing with Shiwoo would have to come first right now while she's safe in Hoseok's arms.

"MY TURN!!!"

Jungkook now decided to make himself known by running straight past Y/n and Hoseok with just little amount of clothing as Namjoon, barely covering his own ass. Jungkook did his famous jumping into the air that he's so fond of doing and then landing on top of Shiwoo's chest with a large thud, Namjoon, Jin and Taehyung all moving out the way in time.

His impact into the evil being caused the earth beneath them to shake and crack, leaving a permeant mark of the fight taking place. Jungkook usually had his temper under control but this time he just let it all out. His was livid that Shiwoo killed him in the way he did and that Y/n had to watch and for everything over the centuries had been too much for him. He was beating the uncle close to an itch of his life while everyone stood back letting the younger soldier have his way.

All the while Y/n felt another pair of arms wrap around her, she didn't have to turn around to see who it was.

"You can't get rid of me that easily beautiful." Jimin

She leaped into his arms with a cute laugh that everyone beside Jungkook chuckle at her happiness. Shiwoo wasn't too much of a concern right now as he was clearly distracted.

Jungkook now going to town on Shiwoo as the weak god felt helpless right now but not completely drained of energy quite yet. Y/n was too busy with the happiness of her heart growing back to it's original colour and the holes healing themselves, she was over the moon and felt more and more full as each one of her mates began to reveal themselves as alive.

In Y/n's corner vision she noticed Yoongi now and very slowly stalking his way to the men on the floor, his fists balled up and eyes shining their wolf grey colour. Yoongi was angry and he was going to show Shiwoo just how wrong he was to do that.

"Jungkook, move!" Yoongi

He growled but it wasn't because of him it was who he had on the ground beneath him but his voice was not heard, because of his anger out of control.


Y/n shouted out to him and he stopped like asked in mid punch. He couldn't help himself but listen to his mates dominating voice for a woman. Namjoon took hold of Jungkook and pulled him away while Yoongi took the chance to still walk over, glaring at the god spitting out his own blood and struggling to see from his puff up eyes.

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