Chapter twenty six

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I've spent the whole day and night in my bedroom. I fixed my door during the 3 days alone in the house which I'm glad I did now and I wish I was alone. It's been almost 24 hours since I saw my mates that betrayed me with their promises. I may have over reacted but promises mean a lot to me. They may have kept their promises in the other lives we spent together, but not this one.

The guys have been trying to get me out my room. Knocking on the door, sending messages from underneath and even trying to get into my head to apologise. I don't want an apology. It may have happened before we met in this life but they knew I existed and remembered everything knowing full well we were destined to meet again. Our parents are friends for good sake. I just don't get it.

I barely slept through the night. It didn't help that at one point Tae, Jimin and Jungkook decided to sit at my bedroom door through the night. Whining like little puppies, I almost caved in to let them in but I couldn't, I'm too stubborn and they should know that. I had to tell them to leave which they didn't until I had to shout at them again. That's when they left running away to their own rooms.

I've luckily got a tv in my room so I've been binge watching tv on Netflix with all my favourite tv series. Another lucky thing I have was a bathroom and of course snacks I kept in my room to munch on instead of having to travel to the kitchen in the middle of the night. I like to have a pile of junk food in my room and top up every now and then.

While sitting in my bedroom I could feel all their emotions about yesterday. But I still don't cave, this experience has made me practice shutting them out in my mind and so very quickly may I add.


There was a light knock on the door.

"Go away Hoseok!"

He whined a little and then went quiet but I know he's still there, I could see his shoes shadow underneath the door.

"Please come out." Hoseok

I sighed.

I don't think I've ever in all the lives we've spent together been this mad with them. I've never fallen out with them. Things certainly are different in this life.

"Just leave me alone, Hobi. Please!"

He goes quiet again and his shadow then disappears down the hallway. The house is quiet and like I've said before usually it's loud. I wanted at least some noise so I turned up my tv playing some of my favourite music. Usually I would dance around my room but I'm not in the mood. So I just lie on my bed thinking about all sorts. My parents, my friends the moon goddess and everything else.

An hour passed and my music list had gone through all my songs. The silence filled my room again. I rolled off my bed to grab my tv remote off the side table until another scream echoed through the halls. I froze as I recognise the scream. It's a man and I've heard it before but I can't think where. It's not one of my mates screams.

That's when I decided there and then to take the chance to leave the bedroom and venture down the hallway to the stairs. There's no one walking about. I can see from the top of the stairs that the living room is abandoned and still. I actually want my shoes that are lying at the front door. For the past 24 hours I've been wanting to visit the second memorial on the other side of the forest. I know the boys won't let me but I'd rather take my chances going alone right now.

Taking gentle and quick steps down the stairs I rush to my shoes and squat down to quickly place them on. I have to be quick, I know they might hear me so if I'm as quiet as I can be and fast as I could possibly go I might pull this off if I get a head start before they find out. My plan is to get these shoes on and run out quickly taking a jacket off the hanger on the way out.

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