Chapter twenty seven

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I followed Jimin and Tae most of the way to the second memorial as I've never actually been before. I know I was going to go alone at first but I was hoping to find my way here myself. Hoping in some luck a memory would unlock and lead me here myself. But walking here with Jimin and Tae made me realise I would of been stupid to do that. I'm relieved they came with me now. Not that we've said much but it's still company and it's prevented me from getting lost.

Both Tae and Jimin took turns in carrying me on their backs. I only allowed them to take turns as it stopped them from bickering the whole way about who gets to carry me. Luckily I didn't get blood on me as I insisted that if they were to carry me I would jump on their backs which they thought was reasonable.

Currently as of right now I'm sitting on a rock by the edge of the small river. It does seem familiar more than what I'd seen in my dream. I chose to sit across the other side of where all the action took place as I wanted to wait for the others to come. We were all here and because I've never visited here before I wanted to have a proper look at the memorial which according to Jimin is just beyond the trees across from us.

In what I saw in my dream I would of thought everyone apart from me, Jungkook and Namjoon would of been down at the river. Like some sort of remembrance here. But there's nothing.

"Hey taehyung?"

He hummed at me as he turned around to face me for the first time since we got here. I can feel his disappointment as I called him taehyung instead of his nickname.

"Why isn't there anything close to a remembrance here? Why is the memorial through the trees?"

He sighed and came closer to me taking a seat next to me on the stones as I sit higher up on the rock.

"That's because none of us died here. We died through the trees" Tae

I was about to ask about him another question but a new voice cut me off.

"Ah! It's been a long time since we've been here."

It's Jungkook.

"Your telling me. It's bad memories here." Jimin

He shivers a little and grimaced towards the trees opposite.

Everyone else appeared from the trees behind, passing me small smiles that I return back. I may be angry but I'm not going to be an total asshole.

"Great. Everyone's here let's go."

I turn to the running water only for a hand to spin me back and quickly let go.

"Wait! Are you sure you want to do this?" Namjoon

"Yes of course I do. I was okay at the first one and I'll be fine at this one."

"It's just because you had a dream about this one first and with the other one you didn't know." Namjoon

"I'll be fine."

I proceed to march across the water that wasn't very high at least knee high like in my dream. This place hasn't changed at all and you would think it would after all these years.

A couple more steps from the river to the trees with my mates travelling behind me carefully. They're filled with worry for me and I don't know why.

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