Chapter-twenty nine

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Another three days have passed since I found out that I'm pregnant. I haven't spoken about it to anyone other than Jin, but I know all the guys know. It's all they ever think about but me on the other hand try not too, since they keep trying to pull down my block that I have put up. I don't want to talk about it or even think about it right now, it's totally the wrong time in my life and everyone else's for a baby to come into it. Don't get me wrong I've always wanted children with my mates in all of my lives but with what's going on right now defiantly is wrong timing.

Since the quiet news of the baby, the guys have never left me alone in a room, I've never been able to get space. Constantly asking me questions if I'm okay or carrying me down the stairs which I would say is a little overboard, I'm pregnant, not disabled. The only person that hasn't said anything to me in almost two days is yoongi, the last time he spoke to me was the next morning of finding out the news and he asked me how I was feeling. Other than that, that was the last time I heard his voice, he won't even speak to the others with me around in the room, I miss it. The only thing he'll do to respond is either hum or grunt. I don't know what's wrong with him but I don't need to stress over it as everything else is more stressful right now.

"I'm going to get something to drink I'll be right back."

I stand from the sofa as I was currently watching a movie in the living room with Jimin, hobi, Jin and yoongi. No one responded to my words so I say nothing more and continue to walk round the corner sofa where four men rest their butts on. I take a quick look back to the sofa and lock eyes with yoongi, I didn't even know he was staring at me but his eyes are dark and intense. I really don't understand why he's acting so weird. In one swift motion he leaps over the sofa to me and sweeps me up in his arms and stomping back to the sofa, placing me on his lap as he sat down, wrapping his arms around me waist protectively.

"Yoongi, I want to go get a drink."

I try to unwrap his hold around me but he doesn't move.

"I'll go get you a drink y/n, what would you like?" Hobi

He stands up and walks around the sofa to the kitchen door.

"Water please, Hobi!"

I shout back to him as he was already in the kitchen, he moved pretty fast. All I could do was melt into yoongi's embrace, he felt so warm, and admittedly I felt really tired, all this sickness stuff does take a lot of out me but when I'm with yoongi it calms down quite a bit. I cuddle up into his chest, listening to the unusual rumble that vibrates off his chest that I've never heard him do that before, that I can think of anyway but it's warming to listen to anyway. My eyes start to droop with my tiredness starting to take over but I felt yoongi's arms tense around me.

"Here's your water y/n." Hobi

I forced my eyes open to smile up at Hobi for my water and stretch out for the glass he was holding for me. As my hand got closer to Hobi's yoongi started to growl at him, which startled me and everyone else in the room. I whipped my head around to him as I'm now sitting up right in his hold, with eyes wide out of shock, why would he growl at Hobi?

"What's wrong with you yoongi?"

His eyes were glued to hoseok, his grey shining through, lips arched up slightly in the corner showing half his sharp teeth. He still says nothing and ignores me.

"Hyung? What are you doing?" Jimin

"Yah yoongi, calm down he's just giving her, her water." Jin

Yoongi still glares at Hobi. I turn to look at Hobi quickly, but he doesn't seem bothered at all by yoongi's behaviour, not even shocked. The low growling continues, that was until I took one deep breath in and placed my hands on each side of his face. He stopped immediately, moving his glare away from Hobi to me, softening his eyes as he does.

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