Chapter Thirty - Two

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These past few months have been the most hardest and chaotic times, I've ever had. It's miserable without Y/n. Never in all my lives have I missed anything as much as I miss her. She left us, me. It's hard to warp my head around so I try and cook as much food as I can to distract myself but it's not like anyone eats it. So I mostly take it to the next pack over from our house. We have been searching for her. Visiting different packs but no hope. I know there's still some packs out there we still haven't gone to yet but for all we know she could of gone to the human side. I wouldn't blame her if she did after what Yoongi said to her.

That day changed everyone in this house. The feeling of rejection burns the very soul I have or what little soul I have left. I've grown to not care about the pain of my brothers when they get into their daily fights. I just sit by and watch like it's a live wrestling show, I wear a mask to hide the very pain that's inside my heart every day. We've all found our ways to try and deal with all this pain. I cook and ignore everyone around me but from what I have noticed from others is what I wouldn't of expected from them.

Namjoon now never goes into his office. It's been months since he's stepped foot in it. In fact one day he totally trashed the library while screaming at the top of his lungs. None of us have bothered cleaning it up. Hoseok spends a lot of time down stairs in the cells doing god knows what, I don't know what and I simply don't care what he's doing. Yoongi spends all day in his room and only comes out when he's grabbing what little food he eats and a bottle of whatever alcohol he can get his hands on. He's drunk every time I've laid my eyes on him so far. I bet he's drowning his sorrows in the bottle and rightfully so, it's his fault she's gone. The three once playful maknaes are no longer playful, let's just say their new way of playing is to destroy whatever room they're in and beat each other to an inch of consciousness and anyone else they get their hands on. Just yesterday, Jimin thought it would be funny to hit me over the head with a baking tray and let's just say it didn't end pretty for either one of us.



Great there goes Jungkook and Namjoon, going at it.


I sigh heavily before dragging my feet over to living room from the kitchen where I've just been cooking some rice.


The first thing I notice is the sofa thrown across the room and to the living room window. My best guess is that was what that loud smashing sound was. Currently Jungkook is jumping around in circles around a red faced Namjoon, with fists balled up at his sides, death glaring the younger man. Jungkook however thought it was funny with his crazed eyes and devilish smile. He was smacking Namjoon on the side of the head, actually laying a finger on him which was something I never thought Jungkook would do.

"Come on, hyung! Hit me back!" Jungkook

"No! just leave me alone!" Namjoon

In return Jungkook punches Namjoon in the side of the head just to get thrown back across the room to my feet where I just fold my arms watching all this unfold in front. At this point I don't care what happens, everything is a mess. Jungkook only smiles at me as he laid on the ground at my feet but I don't smile back, I haven't smiled since the last time I saw Y/n. My love.

"I'm tell you now Jungkook, back down." Namjoon

He stalked over, closer to the younger boy laying on the floor laughing at him.

"No this is so much fun." Jungkook

Lies. I can see in his eyes he's in pain just like the rest of us. But either way he runs up to Namjoon and tackles him into the fireplace which cracks just a little with impact.

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