Chapter Seventeen

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Both me and my mate, y/n were running home before Jin would come out looking for us and it was starting to get dark.

I wasn't running as fast as I really could but I was still ahead of her. I could here her breathing heavily but not stopping so I'll keep going and only stop when she stops.

I enjoy running feeling the cool air brush through my fur. Me and my brothers do this often just to have a run around in our wolves form. It's really fun. It's a bonding moment for us, through the centuries we've only been together twice before this and we like to enjoy every minute of it.

I hear a snap of a twig in the distance and I stop. I perk my ears up to hear human footsteps. Who ever this is, is not a wolf as anyone that's a wolf that comes through here is always in wolf form, it's faster to travel that way.

Y/n comes running closer to me and stops just behind me but I don't turn to her I keep my eyes on where I heard the movement.

"Hobi.....what's..wrong.... why stop." I try and soften at the name she just called me, it's been years since I heard her call me that but I have to be alert right now, no distractions.

I plant my paws firmly into the ground as I hear the steps getting closer but this time their were at least another two more. I'm pretty sure i heard the sound of a chain rattling.

I need back up.

"Hey guys there's movement just passed, Little Rock." I take a deep sniff into the air waving my nose side to side. I can smell metal, and bad body odour. Hunters.

"Guys!?, seriously there's hunters out here!" I pressed. Eventually someone answered. "Hyung, seriously last time you told us that it was the neighbours pet snake."

"Jimin I'm serious this time, I can smell them, they're walking on their human feet and you know everyone goes by their wolf forms here."

Jungkook then joined in. "Yeah last time you told us there was hunters, it was a snake, you were too pussy to tell us it was a snake."

"Language Jungkook or no snacks for a month." Jin scolded.

"Why can't anyone take me seriously. There's hunters coming our way."

"Our? Who's with you?" Tae

"You dumbass, he's with y/n!" Yoongi

"Are you serious Hoseok?" Namjoon

"Yes I'm god damn serious!! I smell the mental and bad body odour coming from here and they're getting closer."

"Hoseok!! Don't use that tone with us!" Jin

"Now is not the time Jin! Hoseok have you got y/n close?" Namjoon.

"Yes I do but if they get any closer I might have to hide her somewhere, they'll be after her."

"Agreed. Stay close to where you are we'll be on our way! Namjoon

I shut the mind link off and glare at the on coming sounds. Y/n clearly can't hear what's coming.

"Hobi what's going on? let's just go" she tries to walk past me but I jump in front of her to stop her.

Now facing her I try to use my eyes to communicate with her. It's worked in the past so I'm hoping it works now. I glow my eyes at her and shake my head to the sound of the hunters coming.

She must known what I meant as she looked off in that direction "whats out...." she stops her sentence when she looks back at me.

I shake my head at her. I want her to be quiet and thankfully so does. This is a little easier than I thought, communication through the eyes. Last time we did this it took her a while to figure out what I meant.

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