She's tripping.

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I woke up next to Layla, who was snoring with her leg draped over mine. Gosh, she was such a sloppy sleeper. 

I pushed her legs off of me and sat up as the events of yesterday night rushing back to me. I covered my hands with my face as the weight of it all sank in. My heart started racing as the guilt starting coursing through my veins.

 What would my parents think? 

Well, they never had to know. 

But what if they found out? Would they be mad? 

My mom had me when she was in college, so fornication isn't a topic that really comes up in our house.

I pulled my flower-printed covers away from my legs and stepped onto my pink fuzzy carpet. My room had a profusion of grey and pink accents, with several pictures of the cheer squad, my mom, dad, and Layla spread across the walls. I was an only child, so my parents let me have my own space. 

I walked into my bathroom to see my eyes still red and puffy from yesterday. My hair was an uncombed rat's nest, and I still wore the accessories from the previous day. I didn't hesitate to strip myself of everything and immediately hop into the shower. I let the hot water run down my body for a good ten minutes before applying my body scrubs and soap. 

I know it's stupid, but I made sure to put extra extra attention on my genitals, hoping that the water would somehow erase the events from yesterday. My virginity was the one part of me that I'd held onto despite my friends' protests. My efforts to clean myself felt hopeless.

After I was done cleansing, I stepped out of the shower and headed towards the sink. I dried myself with my towel and stepped into my bathrobe.

I felt like the cross on my wall was glaring at me. So much for waiting until marriage. Maybe if I confess my sins, I would be able to pretend yesterday never happened. 

I washed my face and did my make-up. I felt like a fraud under the glittery eye shadow and rosy cheeks. I opened a door that led to my walk-in closet and chose an off-the-shoulder, long-sleeve, white top with ripped jeans. Even after I finished curling my hair and applying my perfume, and Layla was still asleep! I checked the time to see that it was only 9 in the morning. 

I was about to head downstairs when I heard my mother's loud laugh. My dad wasn't usually home at this time, and my mom hated early morning calls. I descended down the carpeted steps to see my mother sitting with a cup of coffee next to...Jeremiah? 

"What're you doing here?" I asked. 

They both stopped and turned to look at me, my mom with a dubious look and Jeremiah with one I couldn't read. I couldn't deny the fact that he looked really good. I always noticed the way people dressed, and today he wore a matching tracksuit. His curly hair was held back with a black headband and I had caught a glimpse of a dimple when he was laughing. His hazel eyes seemed green today.

"I wanted to talk," He said as he stuffed his hands in his pockets. 

"You didn't tell me you be-friended a player from Lakeshore." Mom said with a bright smile. What had he told her? Did she know anything? From the look she was giving me, she seemed completely ignorant of the entire situation. 

"Mrs. Shaw, I was hoping I could take your daughter for a quick drive to the pancake house down the street. It won't be too long." 

"Sure sure. Saves me from having to make breakfast." She got up to kissed me good morning. She looked tired, with dark circles under her eyes. I don't know what happened, but it probably had something to do with dad. 

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