Getting Answers

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I aggressively rolled myself towards them 

"Has he been taking advantage of you?" I asked my mom.

"No, baby!" She wiped her tears away.

"Victoria, please-" Agent Debber started. 

"I don't want to hear any of your excuses! My mom is your client for goodness sakes!"

"Baby, it's not like that!" mom said. 

I put down my pepper spray and faced her. "So you willingly slept with our agent?"

"Victoria!" She scolded. 

I grabbed her ring finger. "Have you forgotten about this?" I pointed to her wedding ring.

"You don't understand," Agent Debber said. 

"No, I think I understand perfectly! So, all this time I thought you both were professional, but you were actually taken advantage of a vulnerable women." I turned to my mom. "And you were adultering. No wonder the stalker hasn't been found!"

"I- think I should go," Agent Debber said. 

"Yes! You should!" I yelled. "And don't come back."

I kept my eyes trained on my mom as I heard the door slam behind me. Was it better to get a cease and desist or a restraining order?

Mom rushed to the kitchen. "Where were you? I was worried sick?"

I chuckled. "Are you actually kidding me? Do you seriously expect me to ignore what just happened?"

"Victoria, you don't understand-"

"You know, I've given you a lot of respect. You love to sit on your high throne and talk about morales and standards and responsiblity, while you don't have any!"

"Your father is not coming back!"

"And that's a reason to sleep with our agent?"


"No, mom what you're doing is disgusting and wrong. Is that why you were booking all of those destination weddings? You were running away from him?" I asked.

She sighed and looked at her hands. "I was trying to clear my head"

"And you have the nerve to give dad crap about abandoning his responsibilities. When you abandoned your daughter because you got tired of Agent Debber junior."

She shook her head. "I am just a woman before I am your mother! I'm just a woman trying to figure everything out. Everything's been so confusing for me!"

I tilted my head. "So you shove your throat down the mouth of the closest man you can get. Lovely."

She marched up to me and pointed a finger at my face. "Do not talk to me that way."

I bit my tongue. 

She ran her hands through her and sat on the couch. "I understand why you're angry, I really do, but you cannot speak to me that way."

I squeezed my hands into fists. 

"Are you really that loyal to your father? That you wouldn't even let me explain myself?" She asked. "After everything we've been through?"

I scoffed. "We? We haven't been through anything at all! I don't even know what to believe anymore. No wonder you were so intent on forgetting dad, you've already replaced him! Has agent Debber even been working on our case?"

"Of course he has! Victoria this entire things stems to long before you were born. When your father, Jackson, and I were still just in highschool," she took a deep breath. "Jackson and Austin were always pretty close. They had the same interests, the same passions, even the same taste in women."

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