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"Of all the dumbest shit you've done Victoria Savannah Shaw," Layla exclaimed as we arrived at the school's driveway.

"I know I know, it was dumb," I ran my hand through my hair.

Before I could collect my thoughts, Alanna's figure came storming towards me. Layla stood in front of me.

"Move, sugar-plum, this isn't about you." Alanna waved her hand at Layla.

"Anything that involves Victor is actually about me. We're trying that whole dominant and submissive fifty shades of grey shit right now. So I'll be taking messages for her," Layla said. 

I never thought the day would come. 

Layla, who was only 5'0, looked equally as powerful against Alanna, who was 5'6. Neither broke eye contact.

"Who the hell is Victor? Tori, please get this living cherry lip-smacker, out of my face. I don't have the patience to deal with another Prince Leia wanna-be," Alanna said. 

"It's Princess Leia, bitch. I would assume with all the time you spend on your phone instead of picking up a damn book, you'd be smart enough to differentiate a man from a woman." Layla retorted.

"Ever heard of a PDF, hoe?" Alanna stepped closer to Layla. 

I think this is the moment where I'm supposed to do something. Before Layla could respond, I got in between them and took both of their hands in mine.

"Layla, it's okay. Alanna, what happened after I left?"

"Um the moment you stormed out the cafeteria, everyone helped themselves to a brownie. One of those people must be lying because I know damn well you did not lay up with that skunk."  She said while squirting fruit-scented sanitizer in her hands.

"What? Of course not. Malik and I are not even back together." 

"Well then explain!" Alanna exclaimed. Layla and I exchanged glances.

"I maybe-sort of-kind of slept with Jeremiah." I cringed.

 I watched as Alanna's hardy expression faltered. Her lips turned up into a grin. "Well, did you have fun?" She looked amused.

"Alanna!" I exclaimed.

"Well give me details." 

"I literally kicked him out after," I covered my hands with my face. 

"And she told Julian that she slept with someone," Layla said. 

"What's wrong with telling Juli?" Alanna asked.

"She slept with Malik," I said. Alanna looked at me in surprise, and then back at the school.

"And you didn't think to tell me this yesterday?"

"I wasn't sure if you'd believe me. Julian is the school's sweetheart."

"Yeah, you guys worship the ground she walks on," Layla added. Alanna placed both her hands on my shoulders.

"First of all, I'm the school's sweetheart, never forget that. Second, she wasn't there for me when my parents divorced, you were. If something's wrong you come to me." 

I smiled at her, and Layla loudly cleared her throat."No, actually she can come to me." 

"I don't remember ever addressing you in this conversation," Alanna said.

"Okay okay I get it, you both don't like each other," I said.

"So what're we going to do?" Layla asked. 

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