Saying Goodbye

513 14 3

Jeremiah's POV

I took in a deep breath. I really have no idea what I'm getting myself into. Looking around my car, the only weapon I had was a football. Too bad this battle isn't happening on the field. 

I'm doing this, I'm really doing this. It'll be worth it, to see Victoria's smile. When I got to the red light, I pulled out my phone to see if there was anything new from Dominic.

"Going somewhere?"

I jumped and turned my palms into fists. Geraldine's head popped up from the back seat. 

I put a hand to my beating heart in relief. "What the hell are you doing back there?"

From the rearview mirror, I could see her crossing her arms. 

"After our argument, I just figured you would try to go after my dad."

"What if I was going back to Vermont?"

She narrowed her eyes. "You're an idiot. Idiots do idiotic things."

She proceeded to pull off her blouse.

I immediately averted my eyes. "What're you doing?"


"Why?" I yelled. 

"Because I'm coming with you." There was a pause. "You can look now."


"Don't be a baby. I was just changing into a black shirt."

"Don't care. I don't trust you." My eyes stayed glued on the road. "I thought you didn't want to come."

She grunted. "I don't, I'm just here to make sure you don't do anything stupid. Apparently, my father's life is on the line."

My curiosity got the best of me. I peeked in the rearview mirror. I sighed in relief. She's dressed. 

She shook out her hair and pulled it up into a ponytail.

"I have a feeling you're not taking this seriously."

"Oh, I am taking this very seriously." She growled. 

I sighed. "Why're you angry with me?"

"You keep trying to interfere."

"I'm trying to save your father."

"My heart cannot handle your stupidity."

It took a lot to not roll my eyes. "You're rude."

We sat in silence for a while. I decided to change the subject. 

"So, what grade are you in?"


"Nice try. You're only sixteen."

She opened her backpack, shifted through it, and placed something on the center console. When I peered down, I caught a glimpse of her photo. I waited until I was at a red light to take a closer look. She was smiling brightly in the picture, with all her teeth, just like Victoria did. 

The bottom corner of the photo read 'Geraldine Walker, Senior Photo.'

"So we're in the same grade," I whispered. 

"It's not that uncommon." She took her picture back. 

"How did you survive by yourself?" 

I saw her roll her eyes through the rearview mirror. "Did my father give you some distorted version of my childhood? Listen, all of my foster parents were nice. I got emancipated as a matter of convenience and nothing else. Having to get permission from a legal guardian gets really annoying."

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