The Other Satan's Chambers

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Victoria Savannah Shaw is so not making a comeback.


Jasmine caught me at my locker the next morning. 

Oh no, it was happening. She was going to invite me to her party and ask me about joining the cheer squad. I'd have to say no to both.

"I've been looking for you everywhere. Cute outfit by the way." 

Why was she always so smiley? And why did that make me despise her even more? 

"Thanks." Better keep this short and simple.

"So, I kind of need your help with something."

"Look, Jasmine, I understand you've been asking around about joining the cheer team. The thing is, it's way too late in the year for that. Adding a new girl would throw the formation off, y'know?"

She paused for a second and then smiled. "Who said anything about the cheer team?"

"Oh, someone said- you know what, never mind. What did you need help with?"

"Julian has been giving me crazy tasks for this winter formal thing. She wants me to handwrite cards to every single member of the 12th-grade student body."

I sucked my teeth, "Really? She's really going all out this year."

"Yeah well, it is our last year as high-schoolers. Anyways, I was wondering if you could help."

Didn't she have friends?

"I asked all my other friends, but none of them were up for it. And I figured, well since you're familiar with the student body, you'd be down to help?"

She batted her pretty eyelashes at me. 

Put your foot down, Victoria.

"Julian's been giving me ridiculous jobs too, and I'm already swamped at the lab. I just don't think I have the time."

She took my hand. "Please, Victoria. You know how Julian is. If I don't get this task finished for her, she'll use it as an opportunity to paint me as some kind of villain to everyone."

Well, I did know how it was like. Julian could be such a bitch when she didn't like someone. 

"I'll only take an hour or two of your time. Promise."

I couldn't refuse, now! She was basically backing me into a corner. You guys know what I'm talking about. Denying her my help would be like denying a pizza delivery man a tip. I internally rolled my eyes.


"Awesome!" She opened her bag and took out a little pink slip. "This is my number. I can pick you up from the lab if you want. I didn't see your car in its usual spot when I came to school this morning."

"Yeah, my mom drove me to school. I'll just text you the address when it's time."

She squeezed me in a hug. "Thanks, Victor. See you later."

I let out a breath as she disappeared into the hallway.

 I checked my watch: six minutes before I had to get to second period. I took it as an opportunity to speedwalk to the art room. It'd be really helpful if Chuck and Keon were here to do that thing where they carry me around, but they don't get back until tomorrow. 

I was panting like crazy by the time I reached the art room. Layla was inside, working on some big art piece. 


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