Old Beginnings

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Author's Note: Be prepared for POV switches. Try to keep up! :)

Jeremiah's POV

"Guys, stop, you're getting pizza on the carpet."

It was midnight, and they were destroying the house. I've always gone to other peoples' places for parties, so I didn't think much of it when I invited them over after our win.

Never again.

Mrs. Shaw would flip if she saw the house right now. Maybe even my girlfriend, if she still spoke to me.

"Trey, get your feet off the countertop," I ordered.

He rolled his eyes, but still obliged.

"Since when were you such a party pooper?" He asked.

Another guy on the team, Felix, interjected, "He doesn't even go to parties anymore."

They all laughed.

"Back off, guys," Chuck said.

Keon and Alex didn't play baseball, so they weren't here.

"C'mon, we're just kidding around," Trey laughed.

"No, you're not," I said.

I don't see what was so funny. Why do people always have to laugh off how they really feel?

Our catcher, Shawn, spoke up. "I mean, can you blame us, dude? Ever since you fucked up and got that girl pregnant, you don't do fun things."

"Don't insinuate that my baby is a fuck up."

The look he gave me was pretty fucking condescending. "You're not actually going to stick around after the baby is born, right? You're choosing a college that's far, far, far away."

"And why the hell would he do that?" Chuck asked.

"Jeremiah is not going to let some bitch trap him-"

I didn't think twice before prancing on him and punching him square in his face.

"What the hell?" He shouted.

Five other guys had to jump up and restrain me.

I pointed a finger at his face. "Keep my girlfriend and my kid out of your mouth."

I managed to get myself out of the other guys' grasp. "Get out. All of you."

"Listen, this is all a misunderstanding-" Trey started.

"I said, get out!"

I grabbed all their bags and threw them outside.

"You didn't have to do that!" Shawn said.

Chuck stepped in front of me before I could choke the guy.

"We're leaving!" Chuck said. He turned towards me and whispered, "but you and I need to talk later."

"Get them out! I want them all out!"

"Okay okay!" He said with his hands in the air.

When they were all gone, I was greeted with complete and utter silence. Just like I wanted, right?

I've successfully managed to push everyone away: my "family," my friends, and now, even my girlfriend.

I fucked everything up, and the crazy thing is, I don't even know how.

What did I do to Victoria? She couldn't be that upset over 4 meaningless letters, could she? Weren't my actions enough to prove my affection for her?

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