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Jeremiah's POV

"Dude we have GOT to get Kevin off the team," Keon grunted as we entered Chuck's house.

I threw my bag on the counter and went straight to the fridge. "He's not that bad."

"He is that bad," Alex interjected. 

Before we could talk about it any further, Chuck's mother walked in. "Boys, shoes." 

"Sorry, Mrs. Reid." We took off our shoes and put them in the coat closet.

She came over and kissed each of us on the cheek, "You guys have had pizza for the last three days in a row. I got Chinese today."

Chuck kissed his mom on the cheek, "Thanks ma."

We waited until she left to continue talking. "So when are you going back to Victoria's place?" Keon asked.

"We haven't even talked."

"Well, you finished all my cereal. Again." Chuck rolled his eyes and shook out an empty box of cereal to prove his point.

"Pathetic," Alex said as he heated up the Chinese food.

"Well, atleast I have a relationship established with her. Too busy gawking at Layla to actually talk to her?" I snickered, mainly because insulting each other was a defense mechanism.

"I was not gawking at her, I don't date." He looked offended, what a clown.

"I don't believe in dating. Girls are like a pair of basketball shoes. If you wear one for too long, then they get worn out. You have to constantly switch them out." Keon hopped on the counter proudly.

"You're disgusting," Alex rolled his eyes and pulled out the food when it beeped.

"So what version of Jordan's is Alanna?" Chuck pushed Keon's feet off the counter.

"Easy. She's the Air Jordan 23's model XX3 in finale black and red. It's  so rare that barely anyone wears it, but it's super expensive. You wear it once to show off, so people know you have money, then eventually go back to the trusty 1's." Keon grabbed a plate of Chinese from Alex.

"Terrible analogy." Alex snatched the food back and handed it to me instead.

"Dude, Alanna is hot, but there aren't really any sparks, that's all." Keon shrugged his shoulders.

"Now, Julian is hot," Chuck said with his arms.

"Dude, that's Victoria's enemy." I said. Julian was very pretty though...just not really on the inside.

"Hey, I'm just being observative. Victoria's hot too, but aren't girls supposed to like get really big when they're pregnant?" 

"Stop talking." I threw a piece of Sushi at him, and we just ended up throwing food at each other.

"Stop destroying my kitchen!" Chuck's mom called from upstairs.

"Sorry, Mrs. Reid!" We yelled back.

Chuck grabbed his bag and slipped on his shoes.

 I inquired, "Where are you going?"

"To beg Victoria to forgive you for leaving her in the middle of nowhere. I would like my cereal back." He grabbed his keys.

"I can't be that bad." 

"You are. You're my brother, but you being here really ruins my game with girls. Plus, all of you have had bonding time with Victoria, but me."

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