He loves me, He loves me not

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"So?" I asked Layla as we got in the car that Monday morning. "You haven't said anything since yesterday."

Her hands tightened on the steering wheel. "We didn't talk about it for a reason."

I crossed my arms and looked out the window. "Okay, if you don't want to talk about it then we don't have to."

1, 2, 3, 4-

"I mean, I don't know what he expects from me." She started, "He's the one that dumped me!"

I internally smirked. 

"How'd he manage to come back?" I asked.

"Apparently, his biological father is a citizen. I really don't know, I kind of just spaced out when he was talking." 

I clutched onto my seatbelt as she swerved onto the road. 

"Pregnant lady in the car." I nervously laughed

"Sorry, it's just, why now? I got over him, Vic, I was happy."

"Easy!" I quickly turned the steering wheel to prevent us from running into her neighbor's mailbox. 


"Should I just drive?" I asked.

"No, it's fine. Vic, he wants us to go out to dinner. Dinner of all things."

I ran my hands through my hair. "Well, why don't you?"

"The past should stay in the past!"

"Okay, okay, no need to yell at me." 

Now those are the kind of problems that I'd rather have.

"Can we just not talk about this anymore, please?"

I shrugged. "Suit yourself."

I took out my phone and decided to scroll through Instagram. I'd been trying to ignore Alanna's page, but she kept popping up in my feed. I clicked on a recent picture of hers (it looked like it was taken a couple of days ago). She looked pretty: her hair was all curly, and she had a new makeup look.  I was surprised to see all the hate comments.

I felt like my blood was boiling as I read the things some of the cheerleaders were saying to her.

After some more clicks, I ended up on a hate page. Someone was really miserable enough to make a hate page. It doesn't matter that we weren't speaking at the moment, no one gets to speak to her that way!

I reported the page. 

When we got to school, I looked for Alanna in the hallways, but I couldn't find her anywhere. 

But who I did see, was Julian. She was chatting away with Chloe. I made long strides towards them and cleared my throat. 

"Oh, Tori, hey," Chloe said.

I unlocked my phone and showed them the hate page. "Do you guys know about this?"

Julian took my phone with her eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

"Careful there, you'll get wrinkles," I said.

She rolled at eyes. "You're getting a little too bold, and I had no idea about this."

I crossed my arms and looked at her accusingly. 

"I didn't! I'm not behind the demise of every single student here."

I looked at Chloe, who was unsurprisingly quiet. 

"I- I didn't know they went that far."

I rolled my eyes. "Sure you didn't. Have them take it down."

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