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"I need to speak with the young man," Mom said. 

We were in the car coming back from church. During the ceremony, she sat at an entirely different pew from me and only acknowledged my presence to help me with my leg. 

"Of course," I responded. 

Her eyes were glued on the road.  "Today. Invite him over." 

I nodded and shot him a text (apparently, Layla had given me his number). 

How'd it go with ur parents? 

He responded a couple of minutes later.

Not the greatest. And yours?

Same. My mom wants to meet u. Dinner @ my place @ 6? 

Oh shit. Guess I have to. 

I wonder if his parents would want to meet me; I don't even know if I could handle it. We pulled up to the house and my mom helped me in.  As if on cue to save me from the awkwardness, Layla barged in. 

"Second daughter." Mom acknowledged her coldly. 

"Second mother," Layla responded nervously.

"I know you knew." 

"I'm sorry," Layla responded.

 "I'll start on dinner, you girls just stay upstairs." 

Layla took my hand to help me up the stairs.

"See? She doesn't seem to be on the verge of killing you." She flopped down on the bed.

"Trust me, the way she is treating me right now is worse. She's never been this mad at me before."

"She's your mom. Of course you guys will move past it," she said as she bit into a snickers bar. 

"I guess," I took off my church shoes and changed into sweats. 

"So Jeremiah is coming over later." She scooted closer in interest. "Ya know I've been wondering, how did he get my address in the first place?" 

I always wondered how he got my address the night after the homecoming party. 

"I don't know." She said defensively, but I rose an eyebrow at her.

"I'll never reveal my ways," She picked up my jewelry box. "I'm sorry about your bracelet business." 

"Yeah, me too. It's just cheering and studying from now on."  Now that I think about it, in a couple of months, I wouldn't be able to cheer at all. I've been cheering all my life! What was I supposed to do during that time?

"How about we pick out an outfit for you to see your baby daddy," She suggested. 

"I'm not trying to impress him, I just got out of a relationship."

"You and Malik weren't even stable." 

 "Well, we can't all have prince charmings sweep us off our feet."

"Just picture this. No make-up and no heels." She forced me into my vanity, making sure not to put too much pressure on my leg. 

I already curled my hair this morning, so she vigorously brushed through them and then picked out an outfit for me. A plain T with ripped jeans. 

We did each other's nails and then did some homework until it was time for her to go. She helped me down the stairs and gave my mom an awkward hug before leaving. 

"Set the table." My mom ordered. I obliged, setting up three places on our dinner table. 

"We'll be telling your grandparents when the boy leaves." She said. 

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