Dance Preparations

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The days after I found out about Pete and Dave rolled by. I got my cast taken off on Wednesday, and pretty soon it was Thursday. 

Today was the day that I had to take the cheer-squad shopping for my homecoming dress. I don't even know if I was still invited, but it was tradition to go to the mall after school today. Plus, half the cheer-squad seemed to be on my side. 

I got out of bed and got ready for school. I did my hair in soft curls with glittery white pins and wore an oversized white jean jacket and matching jean skirt. I slipped on my heels with delight, I can finally wear two again. And I knew for a fact Jeremiah would love the new scent I'm wearing. 

My headache...

He still hasn't come back, and we haven't really spoken much since Monday. I like to think it's because of his football practice, but deep down, I know that I've been pushing him away. I wonder why he hasn't tried to ask me to homecoming yet, though.

I went downstairs for breakfast and saw my mom holding up a gorgeous white wedding gown. 

"New client?" 

"Yes, I have to get this dress to her in under thirty minutes before she throws a fit." She kissed my cheek and handed me pocket money. She's been doing that lately, since I haven't been allowed to sell my brownies or bracelets. 

"So, I'm going shopping for a dress after school today. Homecoming," I start.

She folds her dress in her arms before giving me a perplexed look. "You're not going to homecoming, you'll be at your internship." 

"Mom, I'm sure I won't have to be at the lab ALL day. Maybe if I explain to him my situation-"

"No Victoria, that's not how the world works. You can't go MIA on a man you're lucky to be working with in the first place, and then expect him to still be accommodating to your schedule. When are you going to get serious about your future?"

"I AM serious! When's the last time I've gotten a B on a report card? I rack up at least six hours of volunteering every week, I torture myself with writing the school paper, I meet with my mentor consistently, I've done all the pre-college entrance requirements, and I ask for one night of fun and you have a problem?" I follow her around the kitchen like a lost puppy.

"Your mentor called me and told me you haven't shown up to a session in the last month." She glared at me.

"Oh um, I don't know, maybe it's because I found out I was pregnant?!" 

"Which is all the more reason you should be pushing yourself harder. Sweetheart, I want you to have a good future, I want you to be better than me and your father. You know I can't afford tuition fees myself." She leaned against the counter-top. "Not to mention you have some stalker following you! You could pause to go to the bathroom and someone slits your throat." She resolved.

"That's why I have Pete and Dave!"

"Who are Pete and Dave?" She asked.

"My bodyguards."

She chuckled. "Agent Debber told me that their names had a nice ring to it."

"Mom, focus. This is my last homecoming, and literally everyone is counting on me to go." 

"I said no. You will go to the internship and then Pete and Dave will make sure you get safely home." She said sternly.

I dropped my arms and deflated in the chair. "Okay."

"Take these vitamin tablets." She handed me a bottle of squishy gummies. "And I made you breakfast. Don't be late for school." She laid a quick kiss on my cheek, grabbed her keys and the dress, and then went out.

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