A Little Overdramatic

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I'm going to die. 

I'm going to fucking die.

 I'm dying. 

This is death. 

If you're wondering how I got here. Lying on cold cement, unable to move, unable to breath...we should rewind the clock to about 10 hours ago. Only 10 hours...for my life to actually turn to shit. 

Okay, I'm definitely being overdramatic, but it's my story, so why the fuck not?


"No way. This is too much." I said as I looked at the pictures. 

"I don't see the problem, did you see what she did to your locker?" Alanna asked

"Okay, but how do you even have these? You just take pictures of people having sex?" I asked suspiciously. 

"Only when I know the two people engaging in said sex are breaking major societal rules. Julian needs to be stopped. You know she's responsible for the closing of poetry club? She said the room would be used better for her stupid makeup 101 class, and you have to enter some rigged lottery system to get in. Like who even does that?" Maggie started. 

"We could get in serious trouble by having these photos in circulation," I said.

"Well if you don't want to do it then I'll call the whole thing off." Said Alanna.

"Tori's right, this is just wrong." Said Joey.

"Thank you!"

"You're giving her anxiety." Said Alanna. She shooed him away with her fingers. 

"My answer is no. Sorry." I said. I clutched my backpack and went to first period. Soon it would be Friday, and I wouldn't have to step foot in this place again. For a weekend anyways...

In first period,  Chloe and the football players were towards the back. I sat in my usual seat, next to them. 

"Ugh here comes the drama." Said Craig.

"We didn't expect you to clean up all those pregnancy tests that fast." Jordan chuckled.

"Guys just stop," Chloe whispered. She couldn't even look at me. 

Trying to be the bigger person, I changed my seat and sat up in front. 

"The princess is sitting in front?" Someone beside me asked. I turned around to see the kid from the internship. The one that I ditched and was fired from.

"I know you." 

"No, you don't. Anyone outside of Lakeshore's popularity chain isn't relevant to you or your friends." He said. 

Ouch. He couldn't blame me for having my own group of friends. I mean who seriously talks to random folks they don't know? Everyone sticks to their own people, and mine just happened to be super hot and popular. 

"Is the girl with red hair still working for your dad?" I asked. 

Julian. Doesn't. Even. Like. Chemistry.

"None of your business." He said. 

The teacher walked in and the rest of class went by in a blur. At the end, I grabbed my things and sped out the door. 

I bumped into Coach Shyla.

"Victoria! How's your leg?" She asked. 

I looked at my ugly cast. "It's supposed to come off right before the homecoming dance. Luckily, it was a very minor injury so the recovery process should be speedy."

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