Stay Away From Us

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"Shhh shhh shhh, you're going to miss the good part." I scolded Keon. 

He stuffed some more popcorn in his mouth. 

"It's Bam! It has to be!"

We watched as Simon and Bam kissed. 

"Yes!" I shouted. 

I fanned myself with my hands as tears started streaming down my face. 

"I knew it," Keon said. 

His voice had gone unusually soft. It was hard to see through his glasses, but I think he was starting to tear up.

"You're crying!" I pointed out.

"You started crying first!"

"Well, I'm pregnant, I get to cry. I knew Love, Simon was too much for you."

He sniffed. "Well, how am I supposed to react when they look at each other like that? Plus, you forced me to watch this with you." 

"Yeah yeah, well, I'm never going to let you live this down," I smirked.

I turned off the TV and checked the time on my phone. 

"It's 7. Shouldn't Jer be back by now?" 

He shrugged. "Yeah, it is getting kind of late."

The oven beeped. I went to the kitchen to take out my banana nut muffins.

"I think I made too much," I said as I set them aside to cool.

"You should probably be heading back home. I can pack you some muffins."

"And leave you all alone? No way." He paused, "I'll take some of those muffins, though."

I sat next to him and crossed my legs on the couch. I felt kind of bad, he was literally here to babysit me. 

"Are you sure? Don't you have homework and stuff? Your mom is probably waiting for you for dinner."

He snorted. "I have a lot of siblings so it would take my ma at least two days to realize that one of us was missing. Besides, I can't leave you here all alone now that I know about the- you know."

I nodded and look down. 

"Hey, how do you do it?"

"Do what?"

"How do you deal with all the stress? We're seniors, we're supposed to be planning the rest of our lives. Not only do you have to have your future figured out, but you also have a baby to worry about. Not to mention this crazy stalker shit." He asked again, "how do you do it?"

I laid my head on his shoulder. "I have no idea. I'm still waiting to wake up one day all woman'd up."

He put his arm around my shoulder. "You're one of the most woman people I know."

I scrunched up my eyebrows. "I'll suppress my inner feminist for the context of our conversation."

He chuckled. "You know what I meant."

I sat up. 

"Thanks, Keon."

He smiled. "Now about this situation with Alanna"

"-Nope! Don't want to talk about it." I reached my hand out, "C'mon."

He took it, and we went to the kitchen. 

"Chuck isn't here, so you'll be my taste tester."

"Why can't you taste test?"

"Because, if it's not good, then I'll just end up puking." I gestured to my stomach. 

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