Chaos Cuz Why Not?

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Jeremiah's POV

I don't regret what I did at all. Malik and his dick friends got what they deserved. My only regret is having my friends get in trouble. They had us separated. Me, Chuck, Keon, and Alex on one side and the Lakeshore kids on the other. 

"Remind me never to follow your ass to a riot again," Alex grunted. 

"This is what friends are supposed to do for each other," I said. 

"Am I supposed to beat your meat for you too?" He said sarcastically. "Next time, don't drag me into your possessive shit."

"Language!" A big man at the desk hissed at us.

"Oh fuck off, Peter Griffin." Keon said. 

"What'd you just call me?" The man stood up. 

"How about you all shut the fuck up, so I can finish these files?" Peter Griffin said.

"Dude, weren't you the one just telling us to watch our language?" I asked.

"I'm the one with the badge here." 

"Yeah and I'm the one with the fucking life, so who's really winning?" I said. A couple guys from the other side chuckled. 

"I have a life..." He was practically shooting daggers at me with his eyes.

"When's the last time you got laid?" Keon asked.

"Dude...gross." Alex said. 

"That's none of your damn business, you nosy noose." 

"Dude who even says that? You do realize that it's the 21st century right? You know like feminism, presidents tweeting every other 3 minutes, nude beaches, dot dot dot." I said.

"You know what? I don't have to deal with this."

"See, now the officer is pissed. You just manage to piss everyone off." Alex rolled his eyes.

"Hey man, if you asked, I'd go to jail for you too." 

"Oh no, you wouldn't have to because I would never drag you guys to a street fight!" 

"I don't have time for this." Griffin went back to his desk. 

"Good news Ricky, you won't have to deal with them anymore." Said Officer Awobajo. Don't ask how I know his name, let's just say, I've been labeled a juvenile delinquent more than once. Oh and he was also Jasmine's dad. 

Officer Awobajo was a tall dark skin man. As Jasmine walked out, it was pretty evident that she was like his carbon copy. She looked dripped down in all white from head to toe. She wore her hair natural today, it was a good look on her. 

"You know I've got you, Miah." She winked at me. I rolled my eyes.

"Daddy is going to pull some strings for you guys." She smiled.

"While daddy is fixing our problems, can he make me a legal immigrant?" Keon asked.

"You are literally so fucking dumb," Alex said. 

"I don't know them," Chuck said.

"Chuck, Alex, Keon, and Jeremiah, I'm tired of seeing your faces. This is seriously your last warning." Officer Awobajo said. 

"And us?" Malik asked. He had been surprisingly quiet this entire time.

"Since I'm doing them, I might as well do you all. I don't want to know the full story...just get out of my station." Officer Awobajo said. 

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