Pregnancy Tests and Sociopaths

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I woke up to a loud buzzing in my ear. As I became lucid, I realized that my phone was ringing.

"Hello?" I croaked drily.

"Open the damn door." Layla hissed. I shot my body up as I recalled what just happened. The stick said I was pregnant! Oh my gosh, I'm pregnant. 

Oh no.

 Oh no no no no no no no. 

"Coming," I said as I tip-toed down the steps to let my best friend in. She didn't waste time greeting me as she marched up the stairs and into my bathroom. 

"Shhh, you'll wake up my mom!" I whisper shouted.

"I brought more." She pulled out three rectangular boxes from her bag.

"The test said positive!" I argued.

"Sometimes tests can be wrong. Just pee on the damn sticks." She shoved them in my arms.

"I don't even have to pee." 

"Did you flush? You could use the pee from the toilet bowl."

"Ew Layla, why wouldn't I flush?"

"I don't know, it's not like you share with anyone else." 


"Okay fine, we'll just sit here until you need to pee again." She sat herself up on the counter.

"Layla, every instinct in my body is telling me that I'm pregnant." I put my hand over my heart and tried to focus on my breathing. It was like a gut feeling. Like my body wanted me to prepare for the drastic changes that were about to happen. If I let it happen. Would I let it happen? How the HELL did I let this happen? 

And on my first time?

"Just breathe Victor, breathe slowly," Layla said as she hopped down and embraced me in a hug.

"Don't tell me to breathe slowly! There's another human growing inside of me! This oxygen is for two!" I whisper shouted as I pushed her off me. 

Where are my pills? 

With the way things had been going during the past month, I forgot to get them re-filled.

 I hastily searched my drawers for a spare bottle.

"The stupid test is probably wrong!" She said.

"How am I going to tell my mom? The student body council? The cheer squad?"

"Would you shut up?" She exclaimed as she put her hands to her head. We both recoiled as we heard a knock on my door.

"Bebe, you okay in there?" Mom called. 

"Yes!" Both me and Layla called. I shot her a dirty look; my mom wasn't supposed to know she was here.

"Why is Layla in your bathroom at 6:30 in the morning? You should be getting ready for school." In my frenzy, I grabbed all the sticks and threw them in the toilet. Layla slammed the lid shut and flushed.

"Are you guys using the bathroom in front of each other?" She asked with genuine concern. I opened the door.

"My period cramps were acting up, and I didn't want to wake you. Layla to the rescue!" I smiled nervously.

"Yeah...emotional support!" Layla smiled. 

My mom looked at us suspiciously before raising both her eyebrows in an 'I don't want to know' gesture.

"I'm going back to sleep." She said before stalking away. I locked the door when I got the sense she was in her own world again.

"Really? Period cramps?" 

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