Cheers and Tears

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Alanna found my hand and gave it a tight squeeze.

"One day in our school and you guys have already replaced Alvin and Kevin." Julian giggled.

"Who's Alvin and Kevin?" Jeremiah's friend asked. 

"The most popular twins in school. They moved away last year," said Grace.

Jeremiah's friend piped in. "Well my name is Keon, and he's Jeremiah."

I took a long sip from my Chocolate milk. I could just ignore them. I would ignore them. Keon took a seat next to Julian.

"Excuse me," Jeremiah said behind me. I didn't turn around.

"Yeah?" Alanna answered.

"Can you scoot over?" He asked her.

He wanted to sit in between us. 

She looked at me for any signs or hints that I was uncomfortable, but Julian was watching me and it would look suspicious to her. So, I just shrugged my shoulders.

"No." She smiled and went back to eating her salad. I love our telepathy.

"Cool." He squeezed in between us anyways. 

"You can scoot over," Malik said, rolling his eyes.

"No need to be insecure, dude." Keon laughed. 

Malik's friends, Jordan and Craig were glaring at him.

"I'm single by the way." Keon winked at the girls.

"I follow you on Instagram," Grace said.

"Why haven't I seen you in my DM's?" He asked.

"Can you guys schedule your hookup someplace else?" Jeremiah groaned. The entire table laughed.

"So, what're you guys doing here?" Julian asked.

"Suspension," Jeremiah huffed.

He touched my shoulder and spoke in a voice only I could hear. "What's wrong?" I shook my head and looked away from him.

"You guys seem close." Chloe giggled. "Malik's in trouble." 

"Screw this," Malik said as he golfed down his sandwich.

"You're really still with that loser?" Jeremiah asked me. Malik stopped eating and grabbed my arm.

"Stop entertaining him," he told me. His grip was starting to hurt. I tried to twist my arm out of it, but he was too strong.

"Stop hurting her," Jeremiah said.

"Stop talking to my girlfriend," Malik responded. 

Jeremiah scoffed. "She has the same rights as any single person." 

"Jeremiah, stop," I said. 

Jeremiah searched my face. I guess he found what he was looking for because he nodded at Keon, who was no longer laughing. As Keon started getting up, Alanna reached over and yanked me out of Malik's grip. I ended up falling over Jeremiah's lap.

"Don't ever try to man-handle her again," Alanna warned Malik.

In embarrassment, I got up from the table and marched towards Layla's table.

"Did you see all that?" I asked her.

"You guys are a big crowd, I saw the father of your child go over there though," she said.

 I don't know why Jeremiah was so obsessed with the idea of saving me. I didn't need saving. I was perfectly fine. 

With his baby. Inside of me. 

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