Highschool Troubles

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Ten minutes.

I'd been counting.

I had ten more minutes of this class before I could get the hell out. I kept my head down as I focused on answering the questions on this worksheet. When I looked over, Chloe only had one question answered.

"Need help?" I offered.


"Chloe, seriously? Can we at least be cordial?" 

"There she goes again." Jordan groaned from behind.

"I wasn't talking to you," I said in exasperation.

"This really isn't about you, Tori." She sighed.

Alex and Jeremiah were both "focused" on their papers, I guess, so thankfully, they weren't invading the conversation.

"So, can we not let Julian come between us?" I asked.

Craig snorted. 

"Can't you see? She already has. The school is literally dividing!" She said a little too loudly. The entire class turned to look at us.

"Back to your studies," I said, and they all obliged.

"Stop talking to her, Chloe. She's just a-" Craig started.

"Finish it. I dare you." Said Jeremiah. 

He was now fully turned around in his chair and facing Craig and Jordan.

"He was just going to say a pain." Cree finished.

"No, I wasn't." Craig retorted.

"Dude, can you try to avoid conflict for atleast 24 hours?" Cree dropped his face in his hands. 

"Your head is missing something. I think it's a concussion. One that I'll give you by smashing your head into the desks if you don't keep your fucking mouth shut." Jeremiah said coldly. 

Why is it that when someone says something aggressive, the entire class seems to go quiet?I didn't turn around to see his reaction but, surprisingly, Craig shut up.

"Wow, he is so hot," Chloe said longingly. 

I rolled my eyes and found myself looking to Alex for any kind of consolation. He just gave me a blank expression and went back to his assignment. 


After what seemed like forever, the bell rang and I  bolted out of there. 

Bad decision. 

I bumped into the boy from Mr. Dilo's lab and dropped all my things.

"Sorry," I bent down to pick up my things and tucked a strand of hair behind my ear.

"It's fine, Victoria." I'm pretty sure he was Mr. Dilo's son. He was pretty rude to me at the internship.

"I never really caught your name," I said.

He just gave me a mocking smirk and walked away. 

Double jerk. My popularity status was not my fault. It was practically handed to me on a silver platter when I joined the cheer squad and befriended Julian in the 9th grade.

I avoided Jeremiah and his friends as much as I could until lunch. This was it, the moment that would really establish whether or not I'd gotten my popularity back. 

I walked in to see my space at Julian's table...open?Julian looked furiously powerful. I mean literally. Her red extensions reached her waist, and she stood with her arms crossed in head to toe designer. She wasn't even glaring at me. She was glaring at that Jasmine girl. 

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