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"You have an older sister?" I exclaimed. 

"Aweee, does brother dearest not talk about me?" She got on her toes and pinched his cheek. 

Alex blushed! Blushed! And then he pushed her hand away. 

"May I come in?" She asked brightly. 

"U-huh." I nodded. 

She came in and sat on the couch adjacent to me. I watched as she stretched out her arms. 

"Could I get a glass of water? I'm parched," She asked. 

"Okay!" I was about to get up when Alex ran to stop me. 

"Are you crazy?" He pointed to Emma. "She's not carrying a baby. She can get the water her damn self."

"But she's a guest!" I whispered-shouted. 

My mother would be so dissapointed. 

She poked her head out. "You're right, Xandy, you should get me the water instead."

"Xandy?" I asked. 

He clutched his hands into fist. "Don't call me that."

She used her foot to push him away. "Stop throwing a hissy fit and get me my beverage."

He looked like he wanted to say something, but he bit back his tongue. I could get used to this Emma chick.  He went to the kitchen to get her water. 

But wait, "Why didn't Jeremiah just tell me Emma was your sister when I asked?"

Alex was silent as he brought Emma the water. 

"Alex?" I asked. 

He sat on the other side of the couch I was on. 

"I asked him to keep it a secret. Chuck and Keon haven't even met her," he said. 

I nodded. "Why?"

Emma popped her gum. "He doesn't agree with my lifestyle choices."

He glared at her. "You're making it seem like I'm mad about something frivolous like your diet. You put your life on the line every fucking day."

She gazed at her nails. "That's not a way to talk to your legal guardian."

He pointed an angry finger at her. "You're not my legal guardian, anymore. So, stop calling yourself that."

I put a hand in the air. "Legal guardian? Where are your parents?"

"Prison," Emma smirked. 

"What for?" I asked. 

She looked at Alex. 

He sighed. "Both of our parents were crackheads. And instead of learning from their mistakes, after they had Emma and me, they decided to turn our home into a crack lab."

I shook my head. "But why would do they that? Especially after they had kids?"

Emma popped her gum. "They were broke and desperate, princess. Their little business prospered for 11 years before the police cracked down on their operation. Combined with a few other serious charges, they were put away for life."

"Oh my gosh."

She pointed her foot at Alex. "He was 13."

Alex rolled his eyes. "That's besides the point. Our parents were reckless and selfish. The reason I don't talk to Emma is because she's the same way."

"Here comes the temper tantrum," she sighed.

"Since she was 18 at the time, she won custody over me in court. I trusted her." He glared at her. "She told me that we could start over in the States. Said something about a distant aunt that could get us both into good schools."

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