Obsessed Much

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Jeremiah's POV

Chuck chuckled. "You're stupid." 

I rolled my eyes as I stuffed my stuff into my locker. His Jamaican accent was coming out, and I didn't have time for another lecture.

"Ever heard of protection?" He continued.

Sighing, I closed my clocker. 

"You ate all my cereal the other day," Keon said. After my mom kicked me out, I stayed the night at his place. 

"So now you're going to be having a baby," Alex said. 

"I suggest you dip and go to Korea. She won't be able to find you there." Keon said. 

Chuck looked at Keon with disgust. "I fear for your future children."

A couple of guys came nodded at us as they passed through the hallway. 

"She must have done something magical that night for you to accept that shit," Keon said.

"Shut up." Alex, Chuck, and I said at the same time. 

That night was terrible for her, and so it was terrible for me. It's the worst feeling: being the jerk who was with a girl during her most vulnerable moment. Well, now I just have to make an effort to get to know her more. 

"Just saying," Chuck said. 

"You guys can meet her tonight," I said.

"Yeah, no shit," Alex stifled with his British accent.

"She has shitty ass friends so you guys are going to need to step up." 

My phone beeped. I pulled it out to see pompom's name. 

Why was she texting me during school? 

Not that it was a bad thing, but it just did not seem like her.

"Smith,  Hwang, Reid, and Russo, why are you in my hallway during school hours?" Stephanie asked.

"We were just getting to class, Mrs. Principal," Chuck said. 

"Do you need another suspension?" She asked, looking dead at me. 

Can she fuck off? "I'm going." Before I could tuck my phone back in my pocket she snatched it out of my hand.

"What the hell, Stephanie?" I asked.

"You can get it back after your first period." She said. Why were all the females in my life crazy lately? Well, everyone except pompoms.

"Whatever." I guess I'll never know what she needed.


Victoria's POV

I've been avoiding Julian all day. Well, trying to avoid her all day. We kind of had to interact at the homecoming ticket sale station.

"How many tickets?" I smiled sweetly at the freshman.

"Two." He smiled back. 


I had him sign his name and exchange his cash for the tickets. The station was going well so far, seeing as there was a long line of kids. Julian was handing out flyers by the staircase. 

She pushed her red hair back and turned to my ticket station. "We should go to Starbucks after school. Drinks on me."

"I'm grounded," I said as I handed another girl her tickets. 

"Oh really?" She asked sweetly. 

I clenched my fists. 

You will not give in to the mind games today.

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