Stirring Trouble

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"Unbelievable," I said.

"Annoying," Layla rolled her eyes.

"Hot," Alanna winked at Keon.

We all had our arms crossed when the boys walked out of the principal's office with detention slips. Julian and Chloe were scolding Cree and his friends.

"I thought you said you'd try to behave." I looked at Jeremiah.

"All I saw was that Jordan dude moving in on Chuck, and I had to do something," Jeremiah said with his palms in the air.

"Why can't you like a scrawny nerdy guy?" Layla asked me.

"Hey, I thought we were friends," Jeremiah whined.

"Sometimes." She responded.

"Technically, they started it," Keon said.

"Jordan started talking shit," Alanna said.

Alex looked bored, he stared at the lockers with his hands in his pockets.

"Are you going to speak or are you going to stand over there looking dickalyzed?" Layla furrowed her eyebrows at him.

He snapped out of his trans and stared at her with curiosity, "Dickalyzed?" 

"It's like paralyzed but for people that can't see past their dicks." She put a hand on her hip.

"Layla!" I swatted her arm.

Her phone rang and I saw her mom on the caller ID. It probably had something to do with Dominic because they never called just called her. She gave me a look and I nodded at her. She turned around, which made her peach hair bounce, and walked away. 

Alex was still watching her.

"Don't even," I said.

Alanna checked the time. "Well, I better get going to fashion club. I snagged us a meeting during school hours." She french kissed me and winked at Keon before walking away.

Keon whistled as she left.

"Gross," I scrunched up my nose.

"We still have football practice, our coach found us a field like fifteen minutes away from here. So, I'll be home a little late." Jeremiah said.

No! He can't come back.

"Um, I don't think that's a good idea," I said quickly. My palms were sweating.

"Why not?" He asked.

"Well um, because! You know! It's best to sleepover at your boy's place after practice. Research shows it guarantees better performances. When's your next game? Next week, right? Yeah, you don't want to risk, like, failing." I blurted.

"No way, he's been eating all my cheerios," Keon said.

"Then he can stay at Alex's house or something." I pulled my bag's strap higher up on my shoulder.

"Do you not want me to come back?" Jeremiah asked more seriously. 

This is for his own good.

"I'm just not over what happened yesterday." I looked at the ground.

Ugh, there goes that awkward silence.

"Okay, bye!" I yeeted myself out of that situation.

I've never been more thankful for a year-book club meeting.

"Oh, look what the cat dragged in," Grace said as I walked in. 

I guess I know whose side she's on.

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