New Beginnings

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"It's not okay that you eat more than me," Jeremiah was rubbing my back as I fidgeted with the keys. 

"Are you going to be giving birth? Didn't think so," I laughed as I opened the door. 

It was 1 a.m. and I hope and pray that my mom got stuck in traffic or something. We didn't even reach the living room before the lights cut on.

"Welcome," We both jumped at the sound of my mom's voice. She was still in her party dress with her arms crossed on the couch. Mrs. Russo (Jeremiah's mom) was sitting next to her. "Ms. Russo came here looking for Jeremiah, so imagine our surprise when we realized that we didn't know where either of you was."

Jeremiah let go of my hand and shoved them in his pockets. "I'm out." He walked out.

Ms. Russo ran after him, while my mom gave me the you-are-so-dead look. 

"I told you no, Victoria."

"I know, I know, but this is my last homecoming. You kind of left me no other choice."

"I'm your mother; I don't have to give you choices! Who do you think you are?"

"But mom I'm a human being before I'm your daughter."

"No, you're a child. Don't think getting yourself pregnant makes you grown. Agent Debber called and said that you got attacked tonight."

I almost forgot about that. "Pete and Dave have probably caught the stalker by now. Did he explain to you why going to homecoming could help them catch the stalker?"

She sighed, "He did, and I told him never to conspire with you without my knowledge again. I was this close to firing him." She showed me with her fingers.

I sat next to her, "I'm sorry I didn't tell you about it, mom. But I don't want this whole gang mess to take over my life."

"I just try to keep you as far away from it as possible. I guess doing that has been counterproductive. You could've gotten really hurt tonight. You have to think things through, not just for yourself, but for your baby."

"I'm sorry."

"I don't even know how to punish you anymore. You need your phone for communication, you just got back on the cheer team, and forbidding you from seeing your friends doesn't work."

I sighed in relief.

"Still, until December you will not be able to go anywhere to do anything unless it's for scholastic purposes. I'm going to call Agent Debber and tell him about it now." She stood up and made her way to the stairs. "Oh and Victoria? Stop getting that boy in trouble."

Jeremiah's POV

"Jeremiah Russo, you stop walking and face me right now!"

Their car was parked beside mine, and Kimmie came running to me. 

"Jeremiah!" She laughed in excitement and tugged at my pant leg. Jared stepped out the car with his hands in his back pockets. 

"Why are you people ambushing me?" I turned around to face my mom.

"Don't flatter yourself sweetheart, I'm still obligated to make sure you're alive. I'm still your mother."

"No, Isabella, you're just the lady who was cursed with a juvenile son."

She walked closer to me. "It's mom to you."

"But calling you my mother would be like lying. Are you going to use your little court gavel to order me to call you something that you're not?"

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