I've Got You

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"I'm sorry, who are you?" Agent Debber asked Alex.

We were all seated around the couch at Rebecca's (mom's friend) place. Alex and I arrived twenty minutes ago, and we'd been waiting for Agent Debber to give us an update on the stalker. 

I answered, "He was there when the stalker attacked Jeremiah's place."

"I told you not to get your friends involved."

"Well, it's not like I really had a choice in this matter."

Mom, who was seated next to me, took my hand. "It's okay, Mija. Jackson, just tell us you caught the bastard."

"Am I going to need special protection services?" Rebecca asked. She was clutching onto the blanket my mom had thrown around her. 

Agent Debber took off his hat and looked at the ground. At first, I thought he was about to deliver bad news, but his lips curved upwards into a grin. "I had Pete stationed out here to watch the house, so after he came inside to rattle you guys up, Pete snuck inside his getaway car. We caught him."

Mom and I jumped up into excitement. "Really?!"

"Pete and Dave are with him right now. This could be a step into finding out where the El Venenos are and then getting your dad." 

Mom threw her arms around him. His hands slid around her back, and I became a little uncomfortable as her feet left the ground.

"Thank you, Jackson." She smiled.

He nodded his head at her. "It's my job, Sarah."

This first name basis shit again...

Rebecca did a sign of the cross and let out a breath that looked like she'd been holding in for a long time. "I'll make some tea." She rushed to the kitchen.

"So, what does this mean?" I asked.

"Well, it means that you get to enjoy this Christmas stress-free. I still suggest you two spend the holidays apart for insurance, but things are going to move pretty quickly from now." Agent Debber said. 

Mom gave me a big hug. 

"Wait, was it Malik?" I asked when mom released me.

"Malik?" Alex's eyebrows scrunched up in confusion.

"No, actually. Dave has been keeping watch on Malik, and he's been busy having secret-rendezvous with blonde women since Winter break."

"I didn't need to know that last part." I shook my head to try to rid my brain of the image. "Wow, so I snuck into his house for nothing."

"So you're a liar and you sneak into people's houses?" Alex didn't sound surprised.

"You don't know the circumstances I was in." I crossed my arms. 

He walked up to me and spoke in his stupid British accent. "I get the gist."

I walked closer, "I don't think you do. Have you ever had a father join a gang? Or better yet, a stalker who's constantly threatening you? I don't think so."

"Okay guys, let just calm down." Mom said.

"I'm perfectly calm." He retorted. "I'm glad you're safe, Mrs. Shaw." 

He turned around and walked out. 

Rebecca came out with trays of tea. "I have mango and peach." She smiled. 

I kissed my mom and ran after Alex. 

Realizing how rude I was being, I went back over to Rebecca, grabbed a cup of tea, and then ran out.

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