Protection Please

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"We can't snitch on dad!" I exclaimed in the car.

"We most absolutely positively can. The officials are the only ones that can get that bastard out of this mess." She said as she parked into the police station.

"Police are always useless in these types of situations! And what if they find him and prosecute him?"

"We'll just explain the death threats and the years of hiding. They'll understand." She says.

"No, mom, they won't! All they'll hear is drugs and crime. We tell the police what happened but we leave out dad. As far as they're concerned, he's in recovery for alcohol addiction." I couldn't have my father incarcerated, I literally just couldn't. 

"Sweetheart, we have to talk to them. They can keep us safe until I call Agent Debber." 

Agent Debber (a.k.a. underrated family-friend) was the agent whose been on my father's case for years. He was there when my father first moved to Maryland, and then he was there when we moved to Vermont. My father told Agent Debber everything he knew about the gang when he ran away, but the gang "went into hiding." This is all a mess that I've been to un-involve myself with.

I grunted in annoyance. When we got inside, I took a seat as my mom talked to the lady at the front desk. 

I took out my phone. Should I text Jeremiah? Is my house even safe for him anymore? We're already in a stupid fight, and now is not a good time to mention that his baby momma is being chased by crazy gang members. I slid my phone back in my pocket.


After making our statement as brief as possible, we got a police escort back home. The sheriff and another officer will patrol our house tonight and "investigate" the incident. We only told them about the brick being thrown into our window, so they'll be having officers driving around our neighborhood for I don't know how long. 

My mom threw her bags on the couch when we got back home.

"I need to call Agent Debber. You have school tomorrow, so just try to focus on an upcoming test or something." 

"Mom, you can't ask me to ignore what just happened!" I exclaimed.

"Go to your room! Everything will be fine." She pulled out her phone and began aggressively dialing numbers.

I was still standing there, but she glared at me so hard that I hurried up the stares. Why won't she let me help her? This is my situation too. 

My eyes landed on the worksheets spilled on my bed. Shit...homework. And a lot of it. Guess I know what I'll be doing last minute.


I couldn't even sleep last night, so I spent that time doing homework. I got up and got dressed in a matching sweater set. I grabbed my things and went downstairs to find my mom sitting on the couch across from Agent Debber. 

Agent Debber was a tall Swedish man with brown hair. He had a well-kept beard and the brightest green eyes. He was around my father's age, I think. 

"Victoria." He stood to shake my hand.

"So, what's the plan?" I asked, and sat by my mom.

"Well, the plan is to finally expose El Veneno."  He was slightly bent over with both hands folded.

"El Veneno?" I asked.

"That's the name of the gang." He answered.

"As long as we prioritize saving my father," I say with my arms crossed.

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