Turkey Day

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Life after sneaking into Malik's home had been pretty steady. 

Well, besides the fact that Dominic got deported, and Layla has not been taking well. At first, she was in denial about the situation and refused to talk about it. She stayed like that for a good week and a half before she fell apart in my bedroom. Then she declared that she was going to follow him, that if America didn't want him than they couldn't have her either. And then I stopped hearing from her altogether. She hasn't been to school in a week, and her parents won't pick up the damn phone. 

I can't think about it much or I start sweating a lot, and Dr. Bako said it's important I try not to be stressed right now. Today is Thanksgiving and I am around 8 weeks pregnant, and morning sickness is a bitch. I got out of bed to throw up for the third time this morning. Then I went back to bed to finish my essay, math homework, and that research paper for Dr. Dilo. Then I got out of bed to throw up again. 

Jeremiah still wasn't staying with me, but him and I were good...five times out of ten. Once that baby bump starts showing, he'll run. It's like I found any reason to argue with him, and I didn't know how to stop. I know I was being hard on him, but what Malik said was effecting me more than I anticipated. I can't be hurt again, I just can't. 

Julian and I didn't speak unless it was about cheer stuff. As for school, Celena Monery found out she was a princess of a small country in Europe, so the spotlight was off my life a while. 

Mom knocked twice on my door and opened the door, "Abuela and Abuelo are here. Get dressed and then come downstairs."

I sighed and closed my laptop. It was a miracle that my mom's parents even agreed to come to our 'sinful' house. Mom is making Jeremiah come, she wants to show them that "we're probably handling the situation," whatever that means. 

I showered and curled my hair. It took forever to find the orange sweater Abuela bought me last year, and then it took forever to find the lint roller. After getting dressed, it was time to face the music. 


"Look at you, honey. That sweater looks lovely on you." Abuela was suffocating me in a hug. 

"Gracias por venir a visitarme, Abuela."

"Nieta! How're you love?" Abuelo asked. I was happy to get out of Abuela's grasp and give him a hug. 

"I'm fine, how's the doggy?"

"Missy had puppies, you want to see the pictures?"

"Oh, Javier, don't bore the child with pictures of those little rascals. Come, my daughter, tell me about this pregnancy of yours." Abuela pulled me towards her. 

"Mama, I already told her she's not getting an abortion. You don't have to shove the bible down her throat." Mom said over the oven. 

"Be quiet, Sarah Mia. You should've talked to her about abstinence a long time ago."

My mom slapped the pancake on the plate. "That's not fair."

"What's not fair is your daughter being pregnant because you failed to have a simple conversation."

"Guys, it's Thanksgiving. Can we not?" I asked. 

Abuelo smiled sympathetically at me. "You okay, Nieta?" 

No, actually I wasn't okay. I was getting really bad heartburn and my boobs fucking hurt. "I'm fine."

He nodded and then grabbed his coat. "Well, I'll be back around dinnertime. Best leave the women to their own affairs." By that, he meant he wasn't interested in helping in the kitchen. I walked him out the door. 

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