Satan's Chambers

642 16 3

Dear Journal,

Dr. Onya wants me to write down how I've been managing recent events in my life. So, here it is:

We're in mid-January, which means the winter formal is coming up. This is usually Julian's opportunity to show off, so I do the little things: like getting the word out on the school paper or printing out the tickets. I usually like to get that out of the way when the cheerleaders are practicing.

I've also been super busy at the lab. I write a research paper like every other week! Aaron has been really hopeful, though.  Who knew he had a soft side? All I have to do is mention my pregnancy and he'll write the rest of my papers.

Also, I've been trying to help Jeremiah with college applications, but he's convinced that his physical abilities speak for themself. Every day he gets contacted by at least a dozen colleges, and he has yet to respond or look into a single one! But I keep getting worried, like what if he gets injured and can't play as good anymore? So, I've been trying to draft up alternative career paths for him. Yeah, I end up staying up until 3 a.m. to compile this information for him, but it's totally worth it. I haven't shown any of it to him yet, we've both been kind of busy lately.

And I'm officially in my second trimester. I don't throw-up as much anymore, but my boobs constantly feel like swollen watermelons, and I get really bad leg cramps. I also get pelvic pain in the mornings. The bump is definitely there, but nothing a sweatshirt 3 sizes too big can't cover-up.

I just don't want to draw too much attention to myself at school. Julian pretty much pretends like I don't exist (except when I'm being co-captain in cheer, or when she's barking down orders of what I need to get for the winter formal), so the rest of the cheerleaders let me be. Three months ago, I think I would've been devastated, but I honestly have not felt more relieved. I don't think I could handle the bad energy around my baby, and besides, I have a pretty solid group of friends now (minus Alex, he still hates me). 

The stalker is still out there, and I get goosebumps by even thinking about it.  When we first got back to school, Malik got suspended. I've been asking around, but no one really knows why. We haven't been in contact with Agent Debber-or my dad-which has been driving my mom crazy. I really hope he comes up with something soon, because my mom's patience is wearing thin.

Anyways, I got to go, Jeremiah is coming back. 




"So, how was your unnecessary interrogation?" I asked as Jeremiah hopped into the driver's seat.

We had just finished our appointment at the OB, and as soon as I got in the car, he ran back inside claiming that he forgot to ask her some "questions."

"I got copies of the ultrasound, so we can both have one." He proceeded to show me the photo. 

I gushed and took the photo from his hands. "Now I have a second one, in case I lose the first one."

Before he could pull my hair, I yanked his-which, recently, has gone through a transformation. You heard it here first folks, Jeremiah went through a mid-life crisis and cut his hair. And to think, I put in a lot of effort to buy him those headbands. 

"Ow! I've trained you well." He said as he rubbed the sore spot on his head. 

I rolled my eyes and handed him back the ultrasound. 

"To the grocery store!"

"No offense, but do I have to go? I could drop you off at Layla's and the two of you can shop to your heart's content."

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