Trials and Tribu- What was it again?

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Jeremiah's POV

Seven days. 

It's been seven days since I last saw Victoria.

Where have I been? 

Well, haha, that's a tricky question. 

Would anyone believe me if I said I took part in bringing down two notorious gangs? Then again, I'd be giving myself way too much credit. 

I can explain, really, I can. 

It all started when Victoria woke up from her surgery. She had looked at me, with those big, beautiful, dark brown eyes. "I love you." 

I remember closing my eyes and trying not to cringe. I'm such a failure.

"I- is my father here?" She asked.

Now that was something I could give her. I had to. 

My mind had been decided then and there. 

I made my plans during the day, and I would her hand during the night. And when her hospital release day came, everything was set in stone. 

"Jeremiah?" She had asked. "When I was in surgery, were you more worried for me...or the baby?"

I smiled at the question. It was just like her to leave me with such a thought-provoking question. I knew Victoria would fight it, she's a fighter, that's just what she does. But the baby...I wasn't so sure. I noticed how her face dropped when I chose the baby. I'm guessing she had been expecting me to say I worried for them both equally. Maybe I should've said that...what she wanted to hear. 

It was too late now, anyway. 

I remembered the look in her dark brown eyes when I parted from her. 

I had to bring her father back to her. I had to. Maybe then, this guilt I feel will vanish. Maybe then, she'll be happy. She'll realize how overrated love is. We'll go to the same college, we'll work things out. She'll have the baby. We'll be happy. Yes, we'll be happy. I just have to bring her father back first.

So, how did I know that her father, Austin was going to be here? 

By investigating ex-Venenos members, Emma and I realized that they have two major headquarters. A branch in Chicago, and another in Massachusetts. Victoria used to live in Maryland and then Vermont, which is closer to Massachusetts than Chicago. Based on that, I guessed that her father was probably at the Massachusetts headquarters. 

But still, that wasn't enough. I had no idea exactly where the headquarters were, or if Austin was even still alive. I guessed that once he went back to the gang, he probably got an entirely new number and phone. Also, there was a good chance he was using another phone for communications he didn't want the gang to know about. I just had to find a way to get that number. 

I came to this conclusion towards the end of January, when Victoria stopped talking to me. That really pissed me off, but still, Emma and I did some more asking around. I wanted to figure out if the gang had a weak spot. If it were possible for me to break her father out of there. 

Towards the beginning of February, that's when I got the text. 

Unkown (January 23rd): Stop asking around for things that don't concern you. Last warning.

I assumed it was from her nuisance of a stalker. 

Me (January 23rd): Until you can say it to my face, I'll keep doing whatever the hell I want.

Unknown (February 3rd):  So be it then.

Me (February 3rd): I'll be waiting.

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