Wow, Just Wow

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I woke up in Layla's room the next morning. Today we would visit Dominic and then she'd drop me off at my therapy session. The first thing she did when she saw my hair yesterday was scream...and Layla never screamed. She'd always try to convince me to get color in my hair whenever she touched up her peach roots.

When I woke up, I shook my hair out and opened the curtain to let the light in. Layla was already in her shower, so I grabbed my toiletry bag and headed for her spare bathroom. As I was walking to her bathroom, I bumped into her dad.

"Oh, hey Victoria." He said with a smile. Layla's dad was a genius, I mean aren't all surgeons? He had shiny blonde hair, that he kept neatly brushed back, and the same hazel eyes as his daughter. 

"Hey, Mr. Johnson. Emergency at the hospital?" I asked.

"Yes, you guys will have Janet today." He smiled. Janet was Layla's mother. He patted my shoulder and made his way downstairs. 

I got in the shower and got ready as usual. I curled my hair and went with a jean jacket today. When I got out, Layla was already pouring herself some cereal in the kitchen. I ran a brush through her shoulder-length hair. 

"Thanks." She said. I could tell she was trying to act normal for me.

"So is operation win homecoming queen still on?" She asked.

"There's no way I can win," I said. I made myself some tea.

"And why not? Have you seen Instagram? It's not looking too hot for Julian right now, someone posted the photo of her and Malik online." 

I ran both hands through my hair. This was stuff Alanna I were supposed to be handling. Now she didn't even want to talk to me. "I haven't really been on my phone that much. I'm just trying to catch a break before I have to go back there tomorrow. And you're coming too." 

"I heard the homecoming dance was moved to next Saturday. Why?" 

"Don't bore me with pretending to care about the details. I don't even want to go." I said.

"Victoria, this is our last homecoming. We're going to go and have fun." Layla said. I know she needed it.

"Okay." I smiled. 

"Ready girls?" Mrs. Johnson asked as she walked into the kitchen. She was a really tall woman with darker hair. Layla definitely took after her father.

We nodded our heads and met with the lawyer to see Dominic. His trial date was being set like two weeks away from now, so they talked about a bunch of legal stuff. I learned that Dominic had been brought to this country at the age of three to live with his aunt. Layla didn't even know. Before our time ran out, we gave Dominic and Layla their space. 

After that, Mrs. Johnson drove me to Dr. Onya's office.

"He's going to be okay," I told Layla. I squeezed her in a hug, and I went into my session. 

Before going in the room, I thought about everything that happened in the past week. Julian drama, my father leaving, Jeremiah almost dying, Layla being sad, and the ultrasound.

"Hello, Victoria." Dr. Onya smiled.

"Hi," I said. I sat down on the couch and folded my hands in my lap.

"Did you write down your thoughts in that journal?" She asked.

"Yeah, here it is," I said, handing her the journal. I hated myself approximately twenty-seven times in the past week. 

She took the journal and put it on the table beside her.

"How was your week?" She asked.

"I'm pregnant." I blurted.

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