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His grip on my waist was too strong.

"You weren't invited," I said.

His gaze finally met mine; he wasn't going to take no for an answer. His lips were set in an ugly line, and his eyes were twitching in a way that made me believe he was fed up.

His voice was barely audible. "I'm supposed to be protecting you, remember?"

"Victoria," Aaron said. "We can go alone."

"Of course we'll be alone, I won't invite any of my other friends," Jeremiah interjected.

He steered me in the opposite direction and turned his head to shout "See you then!"

When we reached his car, I jabbed my arm in his stomach. He grimaced.

"What the hell was that?" I asked.

I walked around and got in the passenger seat.

He slid into the driver's seat and started the car.

"We'll all go ice skating. It'll be fun." The words were happy, but he sounded angry.

I crossed my arms. "No, we won't. You don't have a problem when I hang out with any of your friends."

He pulled out of the driveway. "Yeah, because I know my friends. I've barely had a conversation with Asshole, oops, sorry, I meant Aaron."

"Why're you acting like this? You said you didn't care!"

"You wouldn't like it if I went out with Jasmine."

"Jasmine is obsessed with you!"

"Aaron could've made a move on you, for all I know. I don't know what you guys do in the lab."

I scoffed. "Oh right, I forgot you don't trust me."

He sighed and reached for my hand. "Of course I trust you!"

I pulled my hand away. "You don't! If anything, you trust your friend more than you do me."

"Is this about Alex?"

"He's terrible to me, and you never do anything about it. You guys even do things behind my back." My voice softened, "Do you know how that makes me feel?"

"I honestly don't understand your point. You told Layla about your stalker before you told me. Where was your trust in me then?"

"Our relationship seemed fragile then, I was afraid you'd leave me!"

"You were lying to me for weeks! At least I told you the truth. Alex and I were doing something that I can't tell you about right now. Alex has done more for you than you even know."

I rolled my eyes. "Of course you'll defend him."

"Yeah, I will, because actions speak a hell of a lot louder than words. He may not verbally be able to show he cares, but he's been sticking his neck out for you ever since we found out about your stalker."

I crossed my arms. Alex? Sticking his neck out for me? The only place I wanted him to stick his neck in was a toilet bowl.

"I beg to differ."

"Whatever, Vic. The shit you pulled in the cafeteria was uncalled for."

"Gosh, Jeremiah, I don't need you to lecture me!"

He sighed. We sat in silence for a while.

"I'll talk to them. Alex and Chuck."

"Honestly, do what you want. Swoop in and save the day, or don't. I'm over it."

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