Taking Matters Into My Own Hands

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 Jeremiah's POV

"What the fuck Emma?"

I was staring at a man who was literally strapped down in a chair with ducktape over his mouth. 

"When we said investigate, this is not what we meant." Alex glared at her. 

She popped her gum and then continued chewing loudly. "You wanted me to find an ex-gang member. So I did."

"Yeah, we said find. Not kidnap."

I checked my phone: no service. We were literally in a garage in the middle of nowhere.

"Can we go to fucking jail for this?"

She rolled her eyes. "Relax, you wuss."

She walked up to the man and ripped the ducktape off of his mouth.

Alex and I cringed as he screamed. 

She smiled and pulled out her pocket knife. "Now, let's have some fun."

Yeah, I know, this is crazy.

For you to understand this, I guess I have to rewind time a little. 

Let's go back to this morning. 


I woke up with a really sore arm. Pom poms was literally clinging on to me like a monkey. Still, I think this is the best sleep I've had in a long time. I don't what led her to crawl into my room last night, but now there was no way I could go back to sleeping without her.

I couldn't help but smile at her sleeping figure. 

Her black hair fell in waves over my arm and down her back. It glistened in the morning light. Her skin was much paler this time of year. I remember how tanned she looked in August. Now, with her pink lips and cheeks, she looked like she was straight out of a fairy tale. 

I cupped her cheek and rubbed my thumb along her soft skin. At this point, I'm entirely convinced that she's an actual angel. 

She stirred a little. 

Then her eyes fluttered open. I saw my reflection in her brown eyes.

Her eyes were so dark, like little mirrors. 

She's so...pretty. 

My thoughts were cut short when she slapped her hand over my face and shot up. She rolled off of me.

"What time is it? We're going to be late for school!"

I lifted myself up with one arm. 

"It's only 6:30. I've been awake for a while."

She rubbed her eyes with her two little fists. 

"Really?" Her voice was so weak in the mornings. 

I watched as she slid a hair tie off of her wrist, and tied her hair up into one of those messy bun things. 

She looked so sexy in her pink pajamas. 

I pulled her back into me.

"Jer!" She protested. 

Her back was facing me, and I wrapped my legs around her legs to trap her in. I held her tightly, making sure to keep my arm above Bobbie.

She laughed. "You're impossible."

Her hand found its way to my face. 

"Do you have a kink for touching my face or something?"

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