Epilogue pt. 2

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~1 year later~

I hurriedly shoved my clothes into my suitcase. 

Phone, phone, phone. Can't forget my phone!

I spotted it under my bed and quickly shoved it in my pocket. 

Despite the storm that was brewing inside of me, it was sunny today in California. How ironic. 

Hailing my suitcase in my hands like a madwoman, I managed to catch a taxi and get the first flight back to Vermont. The airplane ride felt like the beginning stages of a rollercoaster. You know the feeling when you're going up and up, and you can't help but bubble with anxiety, wondering what mystery will meet you when you get to the top?

Why now? Of all the times something like this could've happened, why now? 

If he didn't need me before, I'm sure he's going to need me now. 

 Keon was the one to pick me up for the airport. The look in his eyes was different from when we last saw each other. There was grief. Sadness. 

I ran towards him and threw my arms around him. "I'm sorry."

He patted my back. "It's no one's fault."

Pulling away, I held him by his shoulders. "I know you were close to his nonna."

"Yeah," he whispered. He looked down and picked up my luggage. "C'mon, the car's just outside."

The car ride was full of uneasy silence. 

"How is he taking it?" I asked. 

"Okay, I think. Right now, I think it's important for us to just be there for him."

I tucked a piece of hair behind my hair. I had long since let it fade back to black.  

"Do you think," I paused, "Chuck will come?"

Keon clutched his hands on the steering wheel. "If he doesn't, then can cut me out of his life for good."

After Alex and Layla went official, Chuck and Alex's relationship became very awkward. Chuck ended up distancing himself from everyone when he went away to college. I haven't heard from him in two years. 

I tried to be optimistic. "You all have been best friends since forever."

"Yeah well apparently, all those years mean nothing to him."

Keon was obviously still bitter about Chuck's behavior. I decided to change the subject. "Is Miko here?"

His fingers relaxed. "Yeah, she's back at your mom's house."

"And Cross?"

"He's fine too. Also at your mom's house. She's been caring for him these past few days." 

I nodded. 

I didn't expect Jeremiah to grieve his grandmother and care for Cross at the same time. My mom felt the same, for she's the one who volunteered to care for him while Jeremiah focused on the funeral. 

Poor Jer. 

I thought back to the few moments I spent with his nonna. Why do the sweetest souls always leave the Earth first? 

I tried my best to tame my emotions for the rest of the car ride. 

When we arrived home, I was hesitant to leave the car. Back in California, all I really had to worry about was composing essays for Dr. Dilo and getting my school work in on time. Once I stepped through that door, it'd be like stepping into different reality.  

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