All I Want For Christmas

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Author's Note: Hey guys! Please please please please please remember to practice social distancing and stay your assess inside your houses to prevent the spread of the virus. 

Also, I highly suggest listening to some Christmas music during this chapter, just to, idk, set the vibe ;). I personally listened to trap remixes of Christmas songs, so yeah. 

Love you guys and happy reading, XOX. 

Dear journal, 

Before I pick up Layla to head over to Jeremiah's house, there's just something I need to get off my chest.

Okay, remember when I made that list about all the people who were important to me? 

Well, I realized I wasn't being completely honest. I mean, I didn't really feel right putting him on the list at first.

Never in a million years did I think I'd be putting him on a list like this, but I'd be lying to myself if I didn't. 

Yep, Aaron has become a significant figure (get it, cuz chemistry has significant figures?) in my life. 

It's obvious that at first, we despised each other. Well, he despised me, rather. He associated me with Julian, an annoying pretty girl who probably paid someone to write their admittance essay. But as time went on, he would stay later at the lab to help me clean up. 

The first day we had a real conversation is when I argued that being in the social circle for an extrovert is just as important as spending all the time watching ted talks for a nerdy introvert. By the way, he was the nerdy introvert. 

I think I nicely represent all the intelligent "popular" people in the world. He says he finds it funny how I can either spend hours talking about different lipgloss shades and the latest episode of Keeping Up WIth the Kardashians, but then also switch off to the significance of Pauli's exclusion principle and electron configuration. 

And then one day I accidentally made a comment about morning sickness, and he said being pregnant would make me even more of a legend when I changed the world of medicine *and* social media. 

A part of me craves his acceptance, and I don't even know why. So, when he texts me at 2:00 am in the morning saying that he's bored, I respond. 

We don't do any sexting or anything, and we don't hard nerdy conversations either. We do this thing where he'll send me a meme or tik tok, and I'll send him one back, and whoever can send the funniest one wins. 

And if we're not doing that, we're having voice memo conversations about how annoying some of the cheerleaders are. I know, that makes me a hypocrite, but some of them are just so fucking intolerable. 

The other day, Grace ordered him to give her the answers to an English test, and he recounted to me how he told her off in German. I had laughed as he described how she looked she wanted to jab her heel into his throat. What a bitch. 

Of course, I wasn't at the point in my life where I could say any of this to her face, but Aaron was the kind of person that made imagining the confrontation enough satisfaction. 

Having life throw Aaron at me as a friend is like having a maiden throw a towel at a servant's wet face. 

Terrible analogy, but it's the best I can do. 

Until next time, 



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