Baby Zaddy

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I smoothed down my hair as I waited in my car for Malik to come back home. 

His house was huge, with two garages and a lavish garden punctuating the front of the home. I twisted my hair around my finger when I saw him pull up. He got out of the car and slammed the door, marching to his front door. 

Oh no. Did he hear about Julian and me?

 I ran the speech in my head again before following after him.

"Mal?" I asked. 

He spun around and glared at me. "Really? You told the cheerleaders?" 

"Can we please go inside and talk about this?"  

He sighed and let me in. His mom was in their grand kitchen, baking something.

"Hi, darling." She smiled at me. 

I smiled back. Malik's mom was beautiful. Her hair was done in micro braids and was held tight in a back bun. Her skin was a rich chestnut that illuminated her smile.

I said hi and gave her a quick hug. Malik nodded at his mom before grabbing my wrist and leading me to his bedroom. 

I sat on the edge of his bed. 

"Sit please," I asked. 

He obliged and sat on the opposite side, near the headboard. His room was a mess. There were socks and clothes lying all over the room with his trophies sitting lazily on his desk. I focused my attention back on him.

"You slept with Julian and we never really talked about it." 

"What is there to talk about? It happened once and never again. Stop being jealous," He grunted. I glared at him. 

Jealously? Was this what it was? 

No. It wasn't. It was a shame. It was a miracle I put up with him for so long. 

"You're a jerk, Mal. For the past month, I feel like you haven't been seeing me. When we're together you talk about yourself. When you're alone you think about yourself! I'm tired of the empty 'hey' and 'goodnight' texts. You hurt me and you're trying to ignore it." 

He stood from the bed and rubbed the back of his hair with his hand. "So what do you do? Try to embarrass me? Well, no one will believe you over Julian or me. If I were you, I'd make a public apology." 

I stood from the bed and glared at him. "We're through. For good." 

He grabbed my wrist. "I'll destroy your reputation. Everyone will know you're on pills and that your dad's deadbeat. I'll tell them all that you're crazy." 

He has never spoken to me like this. I try to stand up for myself and this is what I get? 

"We only have a couple of months left in that shitty school anyways. Just suck it up," he said before releasing me. 

I fled the room before he could see the tears escape my eyes. I went straight to the pharmacy for my re-fill. 

What would he do when he found out I was pregnant? Would he use it against me too? I shook the pills into my hand and gulped them down. That would relax me.

 It had to. 

I blinked my eyes several times. 

I'd been driving for a while when suddenly, I felt blood rush to my head. I drew in a breath as I felt my limbs start to go weak, and suddenly it was very hot. I blinked my eyes several times as I approached a light. My vision became distorted as I stopped at the light. 

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