The Chapter With No Title ;)

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Ugh, why do I feel like I'm lying on a bed of rocks? 

I put my hand to my head and tried to sit up, but was quickly disappointed when I couldn't get past the fat sack on my stomach. 

Fat sack on my stomach...

OMG, I'm still pregnant. 

"Yes!" I tried to shout, but it actually came it sounding like a deranged baby whale cry. 


I'd recognize that voice from anywhere. 

I turned my head and found myself staring a beautiful pair of brown-green eyes. Well, one beautiful eye, the other one was throbbing. He was squishing my hand and holding it against his lip. 

Any fear I had evaporated when I looked into his eyes. Gosh, I wonder how he acted when I was asleep. 

Did he cry? It really didn't look like it. His eyes weren't watery or red or anything. I could actually see myself in his reflection. Wow, my hair was messy.

I have to admit, he looked extremely worried.

I reached out to him with my other hand and caressed his cheek.

 "I love you," I said. 

He put his free hand over mine and just closed his eyes. It still stings that he doesn't say it back, but right now, I just want to be close to him. His hand felt so warm compared to mine. 

"I- Is my dad here?" I asked softly. 

He shook his head. 

A girl can dream. 

When he opened his eyes, he looked a little different. It was like resolution had set in his mind. 

"Don't even think about doing anything crazy," I said. 

He finally smiled at me. "No promises."

He leaned down so our foreheads and noses touched. 

"I'm sorry I wasn't there," he whispered. His voice was barely audible. 

I ran my hand through his hair. "It's okay. A lot of the things I said to you were uncalled for."

He sat back up and took both of my hands in his. 

"Please, don't apologize. Angel, there's so many things that we need to talk about, but I have to ask while your memory is still fresh." He took a deep breath. "Who burned down the gym?"

"The gym?" I asked. 

He nodded.

I tried to remember the events leading up to me blacking out. I was at school...I think I was doing prom stuff. Yeah! It was stuff for prom. Somehow, I ended up on the second floor. I remember the conversation with Dominic, but everything after that is kind of blur. 

There was so much blood and pain. I had been looking for my phone. 

I squeezed my eyes shut as I tried to conjure the memory of who I last saw, but all I saw was my own pool of blood. 

"I- I don't remember," I said. "Why? Do you think it was the stalker?"

He nodded solemnly. 

Oh gosh. If only I could remember. 


Mom and Layla ran through the door. 

"Easy," I said, covering my belly with my hands. 

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