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Kim Aera

I walked out from my office and made my way to my car. I opened the door and got into it. I heaved a very deep sigh and closed my eyes. I was so exhausted . Yet, I still needed to drive home because I had no one to depend on.

With a heavy heart, I started the car engine and started driving home. I wish I had someone to drive me home. Or to be more specific, I wish I had a boyfriend.

A boyfriend who can take care of me and love me like he loves himself. Having a loving boyfriend is my dream since I was 6. Everytime I watched prince charming treating his princess, my eyes will definitely grew wide. I really hope I can get that kind of husband one day. I wish.

But if I want one, means I need to go out and started flirting. But what can I do? I had no time to do that stuffs. I had so many works to do since I'm a fashion designer. Well, besides having a prince charming as my boyfriend, being a fashion designer was also my dream. And gladly I did my best and now, I'm officially a successful fashion designer at Gorgeous Clothing Company. It's one of the famous company in Korea. I'm kind of proud of myself for being able to work there. I worked so hard to get accepted by the company.

Without my realization, I reached my home. Oh, maybe because I was too deep in my thoughts that I didn't noticed that I reached my home already. I turned off the engine and got out from my car. There, I saw my mom was waiting for me at the main door. I shrugged and went to her.

"Hey mom, what are you doing here? " I asked and gave her a small hug. She smiled when she saw me and said "I was waiting for you. Your dad and I have something to tell you "

I put my bag on the couch and looked at her. "What's that? " I asked. She seemed like she didn't want to tell me now. She glanced at our wall clock and said "I'll tell you on dinner time ".

Even I can't wait to know, but I decided to just obey her since I was lethargic to force her. I nodded my head and made my way to my room. I wanted to take a quick shower before dinner time.

"Aera-ya come down now. Your dad is home" I heard my mom yelled from the dining room. I looked at the clock and started getting confused. It's just 6.30 o'clock and my dad was already home. Usually, he'll come home at 7.30 p.m.

Maybe he was tired like me that's why he left early. I shrugged and continued drying my hair with the hair dryer.

Once I was done, I opened the door and went downstairs. "Hey dad, you get home early today. Is anything happens at office? " I asked as I sat across him on the dining table. He, who was taking off his blazer looked at me and smiled. "Nothing sweetie, I just felt like going home early today " he answered.

I nodded and looked at all the dishes my mom cooked. "Your food never fail to make my stomach growls, mom " I gave her a compliment. She giggled hearing the compliment and said "You say that because you love food "

"Yeah, but your food is the best. Right, dad? " I asked and my dad nodded in agreement. "Since everyone is here, let's eat " my dad said as we started choosing the dishes.

During the whole dinner, I noticed that my parents kept exchanging looks with each other. It looked like they had something to tell me but they didn't have the urge. I waited till we finished eating and I started talking.

"Mom, dad, what's the problem? I saw you guys looking at each other as if it's something you're hiding from me. And as your daughter, I think I deserve to know " I said

They looked shocked that I can read their expression. They looked at each other again and started making eyes language.

"Mom? Dad? " I asked to earn their attentions. My mom gulped as she looked at my dad. I can feel the nerves started filling the atmosphere but I still acted cool. I turned to my dad and waited for him to speak.

"Actually, Aera "

I focused on his mouth as the situation went slow-mo all of the sudden. I gulped and waited for him to say what he had keeping for a while.

"The President's son wants to marry you "

Park Jimin

I crossed my arms as I looked at the boy in front of me. He was pale and his hands were sweating, showing that he was scared.

"So what the old man said to you? " I asked.

"He agreed that you want to marry the girl, Sir " he answered and his head was low still. I nodded, "So when he'll go to her house? " I asked.

"He went to her house this evening, Sir. And her parents agreed to let their daughter marry you " he answered and gulped down his saliva. I looked out the window and asked the boy to go out.

Once I heard the door was closed, I took my tablet on the table and looked at the girl's photo.

I hope she's not a hoe.

Kim Aera

I know you guys must want to know whether I accept the proposal or not. Well, I didn't give any answer to my mom yet but actually, I agreed. My mom showed his picture earlier and my eyes grew wide. I never expected that a handsome guy like him actually exists.

So why would I reject him? He's the prince charming I had been waiting for. If I rejected him, that shows that I'm crazy. I bet, no one can resist him.

Plus, I didn't want to make any drama like other girls would do. I've read a few novels and majority of the girls who were forced to marry a random guy would run away. I mean— why would I? I love my parents and I will never leave them.

But however, I will just wait for the moment the Jimin guy text me. He's the one who wants to marry me so he's supposed to text me first, right? To be honest, I can't believe that he REALLY wants to marry me.

Yeah, he's a fcking President's son but he wants to marry. I'm just a random girl but what in the world make him to marry me?

Maybe he fell for me from the first sight. Maybe.

I heaved a deep sigh and waited for the moment for him to text me. But it's only if he wanted to. hm.


“I really want to know how love feels like”

“I really want to know how love feels like”

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