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Park Jimin

After I was done with the stuffs at my office, I went home directly. I'm not the type that will go to bar after a stressful day.

Once I reached my home, I saw Aera's car was already parked in the car pouch. Usually she's not home yet at this time. Did she come home early? Never mind. Maybe she took an annual leave.

I shrugged the thoughts off and walked into the house. Then, I heard some noises came from the kitchen. My nose can smell something nice too. It somehow make me hungry and my stomach started to growl.

Before I started drooling, I made my way to the kitchen. I thought I'd be meeting Uncle Seon but nope. There, I saw Aera was transferring the food into a big bowl. The food looked so delightful.

"What are you doing? " I asked and she turned to me.

"Oh, Jimin. Finally you talk to me " she said which I found annoying. "Now I know how to make you talk to me " she scoffed and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever, I'm going to my room now " I said because I didn't want to waste my time. But then, she stopped me.

"Hey, don't go. Let's have dinner together. I cooked all of this for us " she said.

For us? For us.

I hadn't hear that word for a long time. I stopped on my spot and looked at her with my eyes side. I didn't know what to answer. Should I say yes or no?

I clenched my jaw and looked to the front back. "It's okay, I'm fine " I said, rejecting her request.

"But I asked my boss to allow me come home early just to cook for you. Please " she begged

I hate begs tbh

I sighed, "Let's see if I'm hungry. But I'm not promise " I said and walked away. I could she sighed in disappointment but I just let her be.


Aera waited for Jimin to come down for almost 45 minutes. Even the dishes were cold already.

"Maybe he really don't want to eat with me " she sighed softly. "It means I need to eat alone again today " she said as she put the rice into her plate.

She started taking the dishes she cooked and ready to eat. But before she could touch the rice, Jimin suddenly showed up. He didn't say anything to Aera but he just sat down.

Aera finally tended to smile when she saw Jimin. "I thought you wouldn't come " she said.

"Hurry up, I have many works up there " Jimin spoke and Aera stood up from her seat and helped to serve Jimin's food. She put the dishes on his plate and asked him what he wanted.

"Enough " Jimin said, showing that he wanted to started eating. Aera nodded and sit on her seat back. She looked at Jimin happily and asked "Can we start eating now? "

Jimin furrowed his brow when Aera asked for his permission to eat. Well, she can eat anytime if she wants. But Jimin just shrugged and nodded his head. "Yeay! Let's eat " Aera said excitedly.

Before Jimin started eating his meal, he glanced at Aera who had a big smile on her face. He was curious what she was so happy about.

"Is she happy because she can eat with me?" he mumbled to himself. But for him, it's impossible for someone to be happy because of him. He thinks a cold hearted person like him will never be liked by someone else. Everyone is afraid to be around him. Especially to eat with him.

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