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Almost spilled

“—You can choke me hard. Just, don't kill me. I need to live ”

DUP DAP DUP DAP Jimin's heart beats as if it wanted to get itself out from his sweating body. His feet slowly made its steps to the living room as he knew that Jungkook was waiting to talk to him. They hadn't meet each other for a quite long period so Jungkook must had so many things to talk about.

As he stepped into the living room, Jungkook's eyes were already landed on him, showing that he already prepared himself to meet him. Jimin couldn't deny that he was so nervous. Jungkook could see his scared face as his lips that used to be red plump colored is now pale.

Didn't want to make it obvious, Jimin licked his lips so that it would look wet and pinker. "Hey, long time no see dude. I thought you won't meet me anymore " Jimin started the talk with a random conversation. Hearing Jimin's soft voice, Jungkook got a minor goosebumps.

He scoffed. "Of course I'll meet you. After all, you're still my best friend " he said, making Jimin felt relieved a bit. He sat across Jungkook and crossed his legs as he looked at the younger face. "Do you need some drink? My maid can serve you with the best coffee " Jimin smiled.

Jungkook noticed his changes. He has started to smile at people and that was good. He sighed, "It's okay. I don't come here to drink. I want to talk to you " Jungkook said, making it straight to the point.

"What is it, kook? " Jimin asked as if he didn't know what was his real intention. Jungkook let out a small chuckle and shook his head. "I bet you know why I'm here. Isn't?" he mocked him.

Jimin sighed and changed his sitting posture. He straightened his back and clenched his jaw. "Is it why you come to see me? If yes, you can just leave because I don't want to hear anything about that problem " he stated sternly as he looked at Jungkook with a fierce expression.

"But that problem is your problem. You can't just let it be, Jimin. You need to solve it. Or it'll continues till your next generations. Aren't you worried about your future kids? " Jungkook asked which pissed Jimin off because he hates discussing about his own problems.

"What kids? I don't even have kids. I'm not married yet" he stated.

"But you're getting married with Aera soon. You need to think about your future kids. It's time for you to start planning. " Jungkook talked back, didn't want to lose in this debate.

"I'm not going to have kids! " Jimin raised his voice up as he slammed the table hardly. Jungkook made eye contact with Jimin as he tried to study his expression. A slight chuckle was let out by Jungkook. "Stop lying, Jimin. You want kids. I know it. It's just you're afraid of having them. " he smirked.

Jimin's eyes started piercing as he clenched his fist silently. Jungkook stood up from the seat and made his way to Jimin so that he could stand beside him. Without any warns, he took Jimin's arm and pulled up his sleeves. "Look at these wounds. You're hurting. " he said as he knew it would happen. Crossing his arms, he looked up at Jimin and asked "Do you want to let this problem continues? With no ending? It's not just about you. It drags Aera in this problem." Jungkook stated.

Jimin shook his head as he disagreed with Jungkook. "She won't be in trouble if you don't let her know. " Jimin said, trying to warn Jungkook to not telling Aera about his condition.

"Even if I don't tell her, she'll find out herself. Believe me. That time, you'll regret for not letting her know. " Jungkook said.

Jimin hissed at Jungkook's words. "I've been hiding this thing since forever. Non of you ever knew it until Taemin leaked it purposely because he wants to see me suffer. Just don't tell her or my world will ends. I don't want her to leave me" he sighed.

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