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Aera woke up from her deep sleep and looked at her phone. "Oh shit " she cursed under her breath when she remembered that she accidentally fell asleep when she was waiting for Jimin.

"Ah, I destroyed his first expression on me! He must think that I'm a lazy girl who loves to sleep " she whined and rushed to the bathroom. At this point, she just wanted to take a quick bath because she wanted to have a breakfast with Jimin.

Well, it's her first time meeting Jimin in real life. So she needs to be early and nice.

When she was done, she wore a black shirt and a short jeans. Today was Sunday so she didn't need to go work. She walked casually to the living and suddenly, she bumped into Uncle Seon.

"Good morning, Uncle " she said with a bright smile on her face. Even Uncle Seon was amazed by her smile. He smiled back, "Good morning too, Ms Aera. How was your sleep last night? Was everything fine? " he asked.

Aera nodded, "Yeah. Everything was fine and comfortable. Don't worry, I love being here " she answered which made Uncle Seon sigh in relief.

"Glad that you love to be here " he stated what was in his heart. Then, something popped up on his mind. "Oh yeah, Sir Park is at the living room eating his breakfast now. You can eat together with him " he suggested

"Really? Okay then, thank you " Aera said and walked to the living room. She was so nervous to meet Jimin. She held both her hands together as she can feel her heart kept beating fast.

She looked at the dining table and there was a man who was eating quietly. Jimin was focus on his food and he didn't even bothered that Aera was just right behind him. Aera took a deep inhale and walked to him.

She sat across him and looked up at him. "Hye " she said but Jimin didn't look at her. He just glanced over and focused to his food back.

"Hye? " Aera asked again because she thought Jimin didn't hear her first hye. But instead of replying her, Jimin just hummed in response. It surprised Aera a bit.

But to not acting awkward, she just cleared her throat and started eating the pancakes on her plate. Jimin had breaks Aera's expectations on him. She thought he was a nice guy.

After they were done with breakfast, Aera tried to make a conversation with him again.

"Are you going to work? On Sunday? " she asked while praying that Jimin will answer her question. He stopped his steps and turned back to Aera.

"I'm the CEO. How can you expect me to stay at home? " he asked coldly. Aera was paused for a while when she met his cold, dark gaze. His eyes were frightening her. Aera stopped on her spot and lowered her head. "Okay then.. I just want to say goodbye " she stated but Jimin chose to just ignore her.

Well, it was kind of heart breaking. Aera didn't expect that she'll get that kind of impression. She can't imagine how they'll act if they get married. Is his behavior really like this? He acts absolutely like a cold beast.

"But if he didn't like me, why did he asks me to marry him? He was the one who wanted to marry " she mumbled.

From Jimin's weird behavior, Aera knows that she really needed to ask Jimin whether he really wants to marry her or not. She wanted to make everything clear.

"Sir, are you going home early today? " Jimin's manager showed up with a cup of hot tea. He set down the cup and looked at Jimin.

Jimin stopped typing on his keyboard and moved his gaze to his manager. "Why do you think I'm going to go home early? " he asked, wanting to know the reason.

His manager gulped in nervousness and fidgeted his thin fingers. He had no idea about what to say. But he knows Jimin hates when someone doesn't answer his question. So he desperately thinks for an answer.

"You left early yesterday so I thought you're going to do the same today " he answered, lowering his head.

Jimin spine his chair and crossed his legs. "Just because I went home early yesterday, doesn't mean I'll do the same today. You can't judge people by what they did. " Jimin spoke as the atmosphere tensed up.

"Since I went home early yesterday, we're going to work overtime for today. Inform all the staff that they're going to go home at 7 p.m. " he ordered and his manager just nodded his head.

Well, it's his company so he can do whatever he wants.

"Alright, Sir. I'll tell them now " his manager bowed and left his room right away.

Park Jimin

It was 7 p.m. and I got a call from Uncle Seon. I was about to reject his call but I didn't know why I suddenly felt like answering the call. I swiped up and put my phone on my right ear.

"What's wrong? " I asked.

"Sir, it's already 7 p.m. and you're not home yet. Do you have a problem? I can pick you up if you want to " he said.

"No, I just worked overtime today. I'm on my way back home " I said and he let out a small sigh. "Okay then, I'll wait for you " he said and I ended the call.

Why do he even care if I'm not home yet? It's not his problem.

Probably he just wanted to show that he cared about me. People.

I made my way to the door and opened it slowly. As I stepped my feet into my house, I looked at my sides to see if the girl was there.

She was nowhere to be seen so I assumed that she was in her room. I closed the door behind me and went upstairs.

I walked towards my room and suddenly, the girl walked out from hers. I stopped my steps and so did she. We looked at each other for a few seconds and I looked away. I still had my emotionless face and I just walked casually to my room.

She just looked at me walking and she walked away. I think she was afraid to approach me since I ignored her this morning.

I shrugged and went into my room.


see ya in the next chapter—

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