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Park Jimin

"No!! " I yelled as I woke up from my deep sleep. I had a nightmare again. I breathed heavily and held my chest. I had been dreaming the same dream too many times now. But I don't know what does it means.

Why do I kept dreaming the same thing?

"It was the worst dream I've ever had " I mumbled and suddenly, I felt so thirsty. Maybe because the dream was too harsh for me.

With a tired body, I walked towards a table on the corner of my room to take some water. Unfortunately, there was no water left. But I thought I had ask Mrs Song to refill up the water.

I sighed and walked to the door. I wanted to have a hot tea. Maybe it can help me to sleep afterwards.

As I reached the kitchen, I saw a shadow. That means someone was there. But who would stay awake at this time? It's 2 a.m.

I shrugged and continued my steps into the kitchen. There, I saw Aera was making a drink. Hearing my footsteps, she turned her head and she saw me. "Jimin " she spoke. She seemed surprised a bit to see me at this hour.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be sleeping right now? " I asked. She sighed and looked down at the tea she was making. "Yeah, I'm supposed to be sleeping but I awaken. So decided to make something to drink " she answered.

"Why? Did the air conditioner in your room broke down? Just ask Uncle Seon to repair them. " I said but she shook her head.

"No, there was no problem about my room. I just had a nightmare " she said. Nightmare?

"You had a nightmare? That's why you can't sleep? " I asked and she nodded. "Yeah, the nightmare has been hunting me for the pass few days. I don't why. But it really distracts my sleep. That's why I make a hot tea to calm myself down. " she added

I sat on the counter and looked at her actions. "Do you want me to make one for you? " she offered. I think for awhile and nodded my head. "Hot tea with no sugar " I said.

She nodded and started making me a tea. "Here you go " she said once the tea was done.

She sat across me and we started drinking our teas. We acted normal at first but a moment later, I started noticing that she was acting awkwardly. Probably because it was the first time we sat together alone like this.

She kept looking at the wall and glanced to see if I was looking at her. It was quite funny seeing her like this.

I sighed, "I've finished the tea. Thank you, it tastes good ". I complimented her. Her face lightened up, "You're welcome " she smiled.

"I'm going to my room back. Don't forget to turn off the heater when you're done " I said and she somehow looks sad when I'm leaving. She sighed, "Goodnight "

Kim Aera

It was my recess time. I had no appetite to eat so I decided to just stay in my office. I took out my phone from my handbag and opened the Internet.

Suddenly, I thought about a great idea. I never knew who was Jimin's dad and how does he looks. So how about I searched for him on the Internet?

Besides, his dad is the President so I bet he has a lot of his photos on the Internet. Without wasting any second, I started typing his name.

Park Junghwan, the President of Seoul

Then, hundreds image of an old man popped out. I focused on the photo and stared at it for a few minutes. It looked so familiar. I know he's a President and well known. But it was the very first time I'm seeing his picture. How can I feel like I've know him before?

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